Suez University
Network Unit

The information network aims to promote Suez University and its faculties in order to keep abreast of the requirements of the information age, especially e-administration by developing and providing networking and Internet services to all staff members, associated staff, laboratories, and administrative offices in all faculties and buildings of Suez University. As well, it is considered the backbone of activating various information systems and technology development and digital transformation projects. Thus, the upgrading of academic performance and all elements and activities related to the educational system of Suez University through the optimal use of the Internet service, which has become indispensable for achieving the overall quality, improvement and continuous development of the university educational system, and to upgrade the quality and competitiveness of education outcomes, because it is the basis for the success of all projects for the development of higher education having a secure and continuous information network at high speeds to enhance the educational, research, administrative capacity of the educational and scientific research system. 


Providing an advanced quality assurance education system using ICT in the implementation and management of the educational process based on an information center that provides all the information required for education and scientific and technological research, serving the staff, students, and employees of the university. 


Work to protect and secure information and data available through the University Information Network and develop a system to manage and monitor the operation and maintenance of network devices, as well as train the human resources available to reach the required level and to develop the University's information and communication technology, by linking the faculties and departments of the University to an internal Internet with the main center of the network which has been connected to the network of Egyptian universities through high-speed cables and in cooperation with ICTP. 

General objectives: 

1-Developing the information network infrastructure within the university and continuously increasing its effectiveness to provide better service.

2- Directly and speedily availability and circulation of information. 

3- Updating the use of information and communication technologies to enhance the educational, research, and administrative capacity within the university. 

4- Preparing the university community to deal with modern means of communication through targeted and continuous training. 

5- Connecting all university faculties in and outside campus, as well as the university administration with an internal Internet network with the main network center. 
6- Work to automate the university's educational and research administrations by supporting both: 
- Digital Library Project. 
- MIS Integrated Management Information Systems Project. 
- E-Learning Project. 
- ICT Training Project. 
- Digital Libraries database subscription project. 
7- Protecting and securing information and data circulating on the University's network. 
8- Training the human resources available in the University Information Network to reach the required level in the management, monitoring, and operation of the University Information Network. 
9- Providing a number of e-services to staff members and students through an online portal for each faculty. 
10- Facilitation of Suez University's connectivity with Egyptian universities. 
11- Upgrading of scientific and administrative websites on the servers of computers on the network, which helps to speed and ease the circulation of information and data. 
12- Fully ready to accommodate everything new in the field of communications and information systems. 

  • The unit is responsible for designing, building, managing, and maintaining the Suez University's information Centre and computer network. 

  • Information center chamber. 

  • The University Information Centre uses the latest technologies to secure and protect the data of all users of the network. 

  • 24/7 information flow rates are monitored using the latest network tracking and streaming methods. 

  • Internet speeds are determined for all users by the university's daily working environment. 

  • All steps and procedures are used to protect against cyberattacks using the latest methods including firewalls and antivirals. 

  • Suez University Information Network Unit provides many services to the University as a whole 

  • Providing essential services such as student, staff, and employees support. 

  • Backups for central servers are made daily so that databases are restored in case of any system fault at any time. 

  • Providing e-mail to students and staff to enable them to communicate effectively and efficiently. 

  • The information network designs and prints ID cards for students, staff, and employees. 

  • Provision of Internet service and LAN telecommunications on all campuses. 

  • Equipping computer halls with modern software and technical support. 

  • Strengthening the University's activities such as events and conferences. 

  • Design, management, and technical support for the official Suez University website. 

  • Network settings and firewalls to control access to some sites. 

  • Connecting networking and telecommunications points to any new sites created at the University. 

  • Fix all university networking breakdowns. 

  • Maintenance and monitoring of computers at the University. 

  • Computing machines and printers inspection work at the university. 

  • Download basic operating systems and software on computers. 

  • Setting up computers with student and research laboratories. 

  • Network control, security, and protection. 

  • Firewall: FORTIGATE FIREWALL to prevent any network penetration, filtration of unwanted sites and secure access to server devices. 

  • Anti-virus server Bitdefender Gravelly Zone. 

  • To protect network users' devices and secure information Business Advanced Security.