Suez University
Digital Library Unit


The Digital Library Unit is one of the basic sources of information for researchers including staff, associated staff, and students. It is one of the helping sources in accessing digital information.


The Digital Library seeks to help access, organize, and disseminate local and international digital information to serve researchers in scientific research fields to achieve cooperation among information institutions through standardizing policies and providing a unified channel that presents all information services to the community of beneficiaries from the University system.

The objectives of the SU digital library:

SU digital library keens to:

  1. Help and facilitate reaching the scientific periodicals needed for staff, associated staff, post-graduate students, and undergraduate students in all scientific research fields.
  2. Support the university's education system and serve researchers by providing information sources and services through the digital library unit.
  3. Build a digital environment that keeps pace with technical developments in the electronic publishing industry. This in turn will increase the speed of communication among researchers in the field of production and scientific publishing.
  4. Acquisition and access to digital books produced by the world's numbered universities.
  5. Save the efforts of researchers from staff and others in terms of searching for and accessing information in the digital environment.
  6. Share electronic information sources among members of the digital library

SU digital library keens to:

  1. Help and facilitate reaching the scientific periodicals needed for staff, associated staff, post-graduate students, and undergraduate students in all scientific research fields.
  2. Support the university's education system and serve researchers by providing information sources and services through the digital library unit.
  3. Build a digital environment that keeps pace with technical developments in the electronic publishing industry. This in turn will increase the speed of communication among researchers in the field of production and scientific publishing.
  4. Acquisition and access to digital books produced by the world's numbered universities.
  5. Save the efforts of researchers from staff and others in terms of searching for and accessing information in the digital environment.
  6. Share electronic information sources among members of the digital library.

The head of the Digital Library Unit
Prof. Dr. Mohamed Ali Al-Shahid

Services that the Digital Library presents

1-Registration of researchers of staff, their assistants, postgraduate studies students, and university students with SU academic e-mail on the Egyptian Knowledge Bank program.
2-Registration of researchers on Future Program.
3-Revealing the similarity of titles and plans of scientific theses (Master - PhD).
4-Doing reports of Scientific Production Examination Reports for staff members who are applied for Scientific Committees for promotions through the Impersonation Detection Program.
5-Contribution to uploading scientific journals on the Egyptian Bank of Knowledge (scientific journal of the Faculty of Petroleum Engineering).
6-Conducting workshops and seminars to familiarize staff and research students to digital library services.
7-Uploading, inputting, and registering science books and theses on the Digital Library Management System (Future Library).
8-Technical and administrative support to the users of digital library services.

It is a huge digital library that contains many information resources in various types, specialties, and forms. It is considered one of the biggest and most comprehensive knowledge banks universally. That is because it includes knowledge, educational, cultural, and research resources of the biggest international publishing and production houses and specialized expert houses. It is also one of the world's leading projects in terms of availability at the national level.

How to register on Knowledge Bank and the registration-required papers:

Registration on Knowledge Bank for the first time as a researcher student starts by accessing the University website to create an academic e-mail through the portal services. Then, register on the Egyptian Knowledge Bank website by entering the data and national number that enters only once.

Note: the applicant must be Egyptian and has an ID card with his national number and the registration may be made only once with a national number card.

Future program

It's a program offered by the Egyptian Library Federation to give them access to the latest Egyptian scientific thesis and periodicals.

For registration in the Future Program and the required papers for registration:

Please visit the University's Digital Library Unit for username and password. The researcher is required to be a researcher or registered staff member of the University.


Technical support for the digital library 

Knowledge Bank Technical Support