Suez University
Management Information Systems (MIS) unit

Software applications performed by the employees of the administration concerned to register all daily works on a centralized database through which many reports can be printed on a daily, accurate, high quality as well as rapid implementation. As well, the presence of data containing all the information constantly updated helps to build additional software applications that develop enterprise management and helps to provide many electronic services to all beneficiaries.


Achieving integrated mechanization of the university administrations and educational process and preparing the university community to deal with them through targeted and continuous training.


Converting the administrations of the university concerned with the project (Student affairs department and controls - staff and employees administration - postgraduate studies administration) of each faculty from manual to electronic work whose impact on the university community is reflected in the circulation information in electronic directly and quickly.


- Training of employees working in university administrations (students' affairs - postgraduate studies - staff) on the use of these applications.

- Development of students, post-graduate as well as staff affairs management software to be applied in faculties in a unified manner, whether those faculties operate on the system of academic years or the system of accredited hours and adopted as a single system of outputs only.

- Supporting university administrations in obtaining compilation and statistical data and information and all indicators that serve policymakers and decision-makers.

- Supporting faculties administrations in the implementation and follow-up of daily work in all academic activities in student affairs, faculty affairs, and the postgraduate system.
-Providing a monitoring environment that enables the senior management of the university to monitor performance and achievement at the faculty level and knows the size and traffic of data during certain periods, the number of users in faculties, and the number of actual use sessions of the system as well as statistics on the registration of university students.
- Working on connecting faculties with electronic coordination so that the data of new students in each faculty can be transmitted electronically from the electronic coordination system.
- Ensuring the integration of all university units (Portal - Digital Library - Networks - Training).
- Entering and reviewing the salaries of staff members and employees of the university on the Al-Farouq system.
- Increasing the number of users of the system and disseminating awareness among the employees of the administrations concerned.


-Students affairs:( download data electronically for new students from electronic coordination - registration of all students' names, expenses, and military education in faculty- distribution of students to groups and exercises automated- issuance of students seating numbers- printing student stats and student newspaper-class schedules).

- Control: printing results and applying clemency rules.

-Postgraduate studies:( post-graduate students enrolled in faculty- registration of curricula and regulations- issuance of enrolled students seating numbers- registration of student results- printing certificates for students).

Registration of postgraduate students electronically through the link:

-Staff: (registration of names of all staff and associated staff members- member name in English- current position grade-departments- general specialization-specific specialization- date of birth- a place of birth- national number- current address- social status- vacation, secondment, career progression, and scientific research data for staff and associated staff).

- University dormitories :( Acceptance of dormitories applications -automated accommodation for students).

Apply to university dormitories electronically through the link:

Dr. Karima Mohamed Urabi Mohamed

Director of Management Information Systems (MIS) unit

 Dr.Ebrahim Abady

Deputy Manager of Management Information Systems (MIS) unit

Iman Fawzi Abdullah Mohamed

Software Developer and Databases

Shurooq Mahmoud Abdulkhaliq Hafez

Database Analyst and Designer