Suez University
Strategic Planning Unit

In keeping with the State's keenness to emphasize that scientific research must become one of the most important components of Egyptian national security to achieve the launch of the third millennium, the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research has developed a national plan for science, technology, and innovation (scientific research) aimed at maximizing the use of the human and material potential of various universities and research institutions to upgrade its scientific research system and investing its results locally and globally. Thus, achieving Egyptian leadership in scientific research by uniting efforts to upgrade the research product and embrace the economics of knowledge and invest in the human mind.

In response to this direction, the proposal of the project "National Strategy for Scientific Research (Science, Technology, and Innovation)" was launched based on the need for Egyptian research institutions keen to create a catalytic and supportive environment for outstanding scientific research that achieves scientific leadership and sustainable development that advances society and human life and welfare. It also seeks to link education, scientific research, and economics together. This represents the base vision of any desired development. Hence, transforming the research system into economic products requires the building of human capital responsible for achieving the will for renewal and innovation. This proposal is also based on the need to remove the gap between scientific research and application, and to have full coordination between scientific research institutions and different sectors of the country.

The project "Strategy” is based on the integration of the science, technology, and innovation strategy prepared by the Ministry of Scientific Research, as well as the scientific research strategy prepared by the Ministry of Higher Education, as well as the main directions of the development strategy Egypt 2030. The current situation was assessed through quadripartite environmental analysis and the gap between the current situation and the aims of scientific research of Egyptian universities was identified in line with the vision and mission of the National Plan. As a result, a system of strategic objectives for scientific research has been formulated, followed by a review of the most important national initiatives aimed at achieving those goals. Moreover, the plan has adopted some proposals and initiatives in order to benefit specialists and researchers in improving the realities of scientific research in Egypt based on a clear scientific methodology to identify these initiatives based on the analysis of inputs. As well as the expertise of specialized professors from all Egyptian universities, the Ministry of Scientific Research, and research centers. The strategy also addressed important pillars to produce an innovative and knowledgeable society with a focus on human resources development, diversification of sources of income, intellectual property, as well as knowledge, digital, and main infrastructure.

In line with this, his Excellency Professor Dr. issued a decision to establish the Strategic Planning Unit by Decision No. 488 of 20/12/2017, as well as a decision to form the Strategic Planning Council headed by himself. It is resolution No. 633 on 21/11/2018.
Director of SU Strategic Planning Unit, Prof. Dr. Osama Qaddour.

1. Improving the competitive situation of the university.

  • Putting consistent standards of choosing university leaderships depending on making use of efficiency, the ability of interaction, opportunity creation and exploitation, finding solution of the problems that may impeding achieving goals.
  • Setting consistent objectives for all university administrations achieving the strategic targets.
  • Depending on technological development, communication, and raising time efficiency for all administrations.
  • Upgrading the efficiency and capacity of university staff in dealing with changes and keeping pace with the steady evolution of information technology.
  • Review and amend regulations of study programs to cope with scientific development and labor market.
  •  Using organized study programs in cooperation with international universities and bodies that place university graduates in the category of scientific and creative excellence.
  • Establishment of a university research center and a student development center.
  • Establishment of a commercial center to provide many basic services for staff and employees, the proceeds of which are used to support and finance various student activities.
  •   Establishment of the University's Crisis Management Unit.

2. Evaluating institutional capacity and educational effectiveness:

  • Setting an action plan to achieve the university overall quality assurance to achieving accreditation and sustainability, linking the plan to timelines consistent with strategic planning objectives and following up on implementation mechanisms by the university president and the head of the Strategic Planning Unit.

  • Field visits to faculties to present the mechanisms and plans of the Quality Assurance and Accreditation Centre, commit faculties to apply standards that meet the goals of the center and ensure that faculties get accreditation with a clear time plans.

  • Develop the performance of the Quality Assurance and Accreditation Centre in accordance with the vision, mission, and objectives of the center and the approved and announced strategy and keep pace with changes in quality policies.

3. Increasing the competitiveness of university students:

  • Developing students' skills and abilities and preparing them for the labor market through special study programs and skills development courses.
  • Establishment of a graduate care office, annual employment day conferences and a graduate marketing plan.
  • Developing the resources of the Student Solidarity Fund to increase its capacity to support student services and activities.
  • Developing the university dormitories.
  • Developing psychological counselling units to serve and care for students of the faculties.
  • Student participation in research.
  •  Preparation of scientific research programs aimed at transmitting the culture of scientific research to distinguished students so that they can be the seed of tomorrow's scientists.
  •  Information gathering, analysis, and dissemination of the labor market.
  • conclude agreements with global universities for the accreditation of study programs for different faculties.

4. Capacity development of staff and associate staff:

  •  A center for the development of staff has been established.

  • Stimulating the participation of staff in national and international research projects.

  • Identification of foreign universities with advanced rankings to stimulate the participation of staff in lecturer exchange programs in modern technological fields.

  • Setting a regulation to optimize the international scientific dissemination of research and increasing the financial allocation that motivate staff for international scientific dissemination, thus improving the status of the university.

  • Restructuring and activating the Staff Club to provide social, cultural, and scientific services to its members.

  • Increase financial allocations for research for staff research projects.

  • Provide distinguished services to staff and associate staff in the comprehensive medical umbrella through the completion of the University Hospital.

5. Scientific research development:

  • Upgrading the scientific research plans of the departments and faculties and linking them with the university research plans that lead to solving the problems of society's external environment.

  • Applying the modern technology means and preparing the research laboratories with the latest scientific devices through self-financing from projects and special units.

  • Scientific research is the basis for the continuous development of education that has brought about the competitiveness of educational outputs.

  • Establishing a central laboratory at the university level, equipped at the higher level. It is considered a special unit which serves the staff and the associate staff

  • Establishing the applied scientific research marketing unit with various sectors of civil society.