Suez University
Achievements of " the National Literacy Project" at Suez University

Sun. 18 Dec, 2022

The elimination of illiteracy is a national objective, and the achievement of the literacy file stems from the University's belief in its societal role. The locomotive of development cannot continue without the elimination of illiteracy in line with Egypt’s Vision 2030 and the University strategy. Therefore, several awareness seminars and convoys were carried out in partnership with the Adult Education Authority.

  1. The University participated in an awareness caravan on 18/7/2022 to Omar bin Abdul Aziz Mosque in which 73 students from the faculties of (Commerce, Arts, Education, and Education Technology) participated.
  2. The University participated in an awareness caravan on 21/7/2022 to the Al-Quran Charity in which 85 students from the faculties of (Commerce, Arts, Education, and Education Technology) participated.
  3. The University participated in an awareness caravan on 25/7/2022 to the Rahman Mosque in which 61 students (13 students from the Faculty of Commerce - 36 students from the Faculty of Arts - 12 students from the Faculty of Education) participated.
  4. Participation of the University in an awareness convoy on 27/7/2022 to the mosque (Al-Amameen and Abnaa Abnod 's Association) in the area of El-Sayed Hashim at El-Ganayen and the participation of 50 students from the University of Suez in various faculties.
  5. The University participated in an awareness convoy on 22/9/2022 to the mosque (Omar bin al-Khattab) in the Al-Arba'een district of Kafr Salim al-Hai, in which 51 students from the University of Suez participated in various faculties.
  6. Participation of the University in an awareness-raising convoy on 26/9/2022 to the Siraj Almanir Charity, in the Suez administration. With the participation of 104 students from the University of Suez in various faculties.
  7. The University's participation in an awareness-raising convoy on 29/9/2022 in the Society of the Development of Society in Kabreet Al-Mafareq, in the district of El-Ganayen With the participation of 52 students from Suez University.
  8. A guideline for university students is a question and answer about the problems faced by students while participating in literacy convoys.
  9. Awareness seminar at the Faculty of Commerce on "National Literacy Project" on 10/10/2022.
  10. Awareness seminar of the Faculty of Politics and Economics entitled "Dialogue on literacy and adult education project", 31/10/2022.
  11. Awareness seminar at the Faculty of Education for new students on introducing students to the national literacy project and how to implement it on the ground as a condition of graduation on 9/11/2022 at the terraces of the Faculty of Commerce (English) to familiarize students with the national literacy project and how to implement it on the ground as a condition of graduation on Monday 14th November 2022.
  12. The participation of the University in an awareness convoy of 35 students from the University with the General Authority for Adult Education in Abdelraheem Mosque next to the Jabalat Youth Center in El-Ganayen on 28/11/2022.
  13. The University's participation in the awareness convoy of 46 students from the University with the General Authority for Adult Education of Faw Qibli Charity in front of the El Obour water station in Al-Arba'een district on 30/11/2022.
  14. A seminar entitled "The role of the Faculty of Information and Communication Technology in the Literacy Project as a prerequisite for graduation" was held on 13/12/2022 at the Faculty of Information and Communication Technology.