Suez University
SU Acting President witnesses the signing of a cooperation protocol between the Faculty of Physical Therapy and Suez Health Directorate
Sun. 17 Sep, 2023

This morning, Prof. Dr. Ali Hussein Atta, SU Acting President, witnessed the signing of a cooperation protocol between the SU Faculty of Physical Therapy and the Suez Health Directorate, where Prof. Dr. Amani Rafat Mohammed, Dean of the Faculty of Physiotherapy, was a representative for Suez University and Prof. Dr. Amal Rushdie, Director of the Directorate, was a representative for the Suez Health Directorate.

SU President stated that this protocol aims to raise the level of the educational process, graduate distinguished generations of graduates, and take advantage of the potential of its health administration in Suez; To provide outstanding training opportunities for physiotherapy students, opportunities to collaborate and share experiences with the faculty in the therapeutic and research fields and work through faculty staff members, students, and scientific research means.

Atta expressed his pleasure at this protocol, which is one of the links between the University and the Directorate of Health Affairs of Suez; Explaining that this cooperation is not the first of its kind between the two parties. Cooperation has multiplied in more than one area with the aim of achieving the complementary benefit of the two parties.

For her part, the Dean of the Faculty of Physiotherapy explained that this Protocol builds a basis for cooperation between the parties in the areas of education, training, and exchange of experiences to upgrade skills and research fields and complete the training of students and graduates of the Faculty of Physical Therapy. Hospitals of the Directorate of Health Affairs in the Suez governorate are responsible for training bachelor's degree students at the Faculty of Physical Therapy and providing appropriate places within the hospital for training and education under the supervision of faculty staff members.

In addition, the Dean of the Faculty states that in accordance with the provisions of the Protocol, conferences, workshops, or scientific seminars will be held for each department of Physical Therapy for trainees (Bachelor's degree students, postgraduates, and graduates) in coordination between the parties, as well as its sovereignty that the duration of this protocol will be five years renewable if the parties so wish, thanking the Directorate of Health Affairs of Suez for this fruitful cooperation.