Suez University
Development caravan for El-Janaein district in Suez
Wed. 27 Apr, 2022

Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Al-Sayed Al-Sharkawi, the president of Suez University, in cooperation with the General Authority for Literacy and Education in Suez M. Al-Sayda Rafaey, the Director of the Authority Branch, and Suez Health Directorate, Dr. Ismail Al-Hafnawi, the under-secretary of state of the Ministry of Health of Suez, organized a comprehensive development, medical, and educational caravan with the participation of 88 students from the Faculties of Arts and Education at the University. 

Moreover, the caravan targeted the residents of the village of Amer in El Janaein in Suez. The caravan has seen an awareness-raising campaign by university students for the citizens on the steps of their access to literacy certificates and informing the people of the services provided by the caravan. 

Furthermore, SU president stated that the organization of such caravans is not new to Suez University. The University has already participated in many of these activities as part of the University's plan to serve the community and develop the environment around the University. As well, Al-Sharkawi explained that this cooperation with the General Authority for Literacy and Adult Education is based on a previously signed cooperation protocol between the University and the Authority, which provides for cooperation between the parties in the field of literacy as well as the use of the University's material and human resources in this area.