Suez University
Suez Governor witnesses the graduation ceremony of the first graduates of SU Faculty of Engineering
Mon. 04 Sep, 2023

General Staff of War Abdelmadjid Saqr, Suez Governor, witnesses the first graduation ceremony of the SU Faculty of Engineering. It was attended by Prof. Dr. Ali Hussein Atta, SU Acting President, Prof. Dr. Al-Sayed Abdul Azim Al-Sharqawi, former SU President, Prof. Dr. Ashraf Mohamed Hanigel, Dean of the SU Faculty of Engineering, Dr.  Abdullah Ramadan, Deputy Governor, Deans of SU faculties, staff members, House and Senate members, and several people and executive leaders in the governorate.

At the beginning of the ceremony, the Dean of the SU Faculty of Engineering delivered a speech welcoming the attendees. He stated that it was a pleasure to witness the first graduation commemoration for seniors with a Bachelor of Engineering. They would be a key element in effectively contributing to the realization of Egypt's Vision 2030 for Sustainable Development to complement progress and growth. Such ambitious vision from which the vision and mission of the SU Faculty of Engineering were launched. Thus, the faculty followed the latest reference frameworks as well as the reference academic national standards.

The Dean's speech was followed by the presentation of a recording film entitled Awal Al-Ghaith Produced by the SU Media Center in which he reviewed the potential and capabilities of the SU Faculty of Engineering which today graduates the first graduates.

Then Prof. Dr. Ali Atta delivered a speech explaining that Suez University seeks all its disciplines to qualify its graduates to be at a level of competence that helps them to keep up with the requirements of the labor market by offering academic qualification in keeping with the rapid development of various sciences.

The SU Acting President also thanked Prof. Dr. Al-Sharqawi, the former SU President, for his tribute to the University over the past period, as well as the parents of the students for their efforts to help their children reach such success and wished everyone success in the future.

After that, the Suez Governor delivered a speech welcoming the parents and thanking and appreciating the families who had been patient until they reached the graduation stage. and noted that the University was distinguished by the presence of its Faculty of Engineering. He paid tribute to the faculty staff for their efforts to qualify students. He explained that he had agreed with the Suez Engineers' Union to conduct training courses for graduates to help them develop skills for labor market requirements.

Later, Eng. Hafez Awad, head of the Engineers Syndicate in Suez, recited the Engineering Sworn and the graduates echoed it after him.

General Staff of War Abdelmadjid Saqr, Suez Governor, Prof. Dr. Ali Hussein Atta, SU Acting President, Prof. Dr. Ashraf Hanigel, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, honored the first students and then honored the students of the Faculty of Engineering, who won in national and international competitions.

This was followed by honoring Prof. Dr. Al-Sayed Abdelazim Al-Sharqawi, former SU President, in recognition of his efforts over the past years. The honor ceremony ended by presenting a shield to General Staff of War Abdelmadjid Saqr, Suez Governor.

Finally, during the artistic ceremony, the SU Choral sang several popular and national songs that were admired by the attendees of graduates and their parents. The ceremony concluded with honoring the first graduates of the faculty.