Suez University
The SU President witnesses the signing of a cooperation protocol between the University Centre for Professional Development and TEDA Royal Customs Warehouses
Sun. 03 Sep, 2023

This morning, Prof. Dr. Ali Hussain Atta, the SU President, witnessed the signing of a cooperation protocol between the University Centre for Professional Development and TEDA Royal Customs Warehouses. Prof. Dr. Said Hamid Abadi, the SU Vice-President for Community Service and Environment Development, and Prof. Dr. Hani Shalabi, the Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry, attended the cooperation. The Centre for Professional Development was signed by Dr. Ahmed Aboul-Hassan, the Director of the Center and of the company, Mr. Ayman Mohamed Al-Badawi in his capacity as Executive Director of the Company. The participation of M/Hassan as the consultant of the Director of Human Resources Management of the Company, M/Amr Mustafa, the Company's Chief Financial Officer.

Moreover, the SU President stated that this protocol comes within the framework of the State policy for achieving sustainable development and the realization of Egypt's Vision 2030. The Ministry of Higher Education seeks to bridge the gap between academic study and the needs of the labor market by developing the capabilities and skills of Egyptian university students.

For his part, Abu Alhassan stated that this protocol aims to provide training and employment opportunities for graduates of Suez University if available, as well as the implementation of some workshops, seminars, and events for professional development that may benefit the employees of the company.