Suez University
Opening of the Silver Jubilee Celebration of the Faculty of Technology and Education in Suez
Wed. 27 Apr, 2022

On Tuesday morning, Prof. Dr. Al- Sharkawi, SU president, witnessed the opening ceremony of the SU Faculty of Technology and Education celebration of the Silver Jubilee and 25 years since its establishment. It was attended by Mr. Walid Nassar, Chief of the Air Defense Warfare Staff at the 3rd Army Field Command, on behalf of the chief of staff general Asim Ashour, the commander of Third Army Field. 

Moreover, the ceremony was attended by Dr. Mohamed Mojahed, the deputy of the Minister of Education for Technical Education Affairs, Dr. Hassan Mohamadien, the Adviser of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research for Higher Institutes, Dr. Ahmed Al-Hiawi, the Adviser of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research for Technological Education, the journalist Refaat Fiyad, Editor-in-Chief of Akhbarelyoum newspaper, Consul of Saudi Arabia in Suez, vices of SU president, deans of SU faculties, and several SU staff, employees, and students. 

Therefore, the celebration began with the recitation of Quran verses followed by a speech by Prof. Dr. Hossam El-din Mostafa Atia, the dean of the Faculty of Technology and Education in which he explained the faculty's vision and mission. He also reviewed the scale of the faculty development, its potentials, the projects in progress, and the cooperation protocols that the faculty conducts with the various corporations and foundations. 

Hence, in his speech, the SU president congratulated the great Egyptian mothers of their day and congratulated the attendants on the holy month of Ramadan is to come. 

Furthermore, he added that the university in this celebration keens on development in the field of technology and education through a series of panel discussions and educational workshops. He also explained the Egyptian and political leadership's efforts to support technological education by inaugurating universities dealing with this type of education as one of the means of progress and advancement of societies. 

Then, this was followed by a screening of a documentary film about the faculty which shows its achievements, and then various artistic programs amid the audience interaction in an atmosphere of joy. 

After that, the panel discussions began in which the University's guests presented their views on the concept of technological education and its relevance to the sustainable development agenda 2030. the first-panel discussion was entitled "The future of technological education in Egypt within the framework of achieving Egypt's Vision 2030". The symposium was moderated by Dr. Hassan Mohammedin, adviser of the Minister of Higher Education for Higher Institutes affairs, participated in by Dr. Mohammed Mujahid, Deputy Minister of Education for Technical Education affairs, Dr. Ahmed Al-Hayawi, adviser of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research for Technological Education and the Secretary of Education Fund at the Cabinet, and the journalist Refaat Fiyad, the Editor-in-Chief of Akhbarelyoum newspaper. 

Thus, Prof. Dr. Mohamed Mojahed, reviewed the ministry's plan to promote technical education and access to education systems in developed countries. Prof. Dr. Ahmed Al-Hiawi, explained the fund achievements for the development of Education in the establishment of a system of technological complexes and universities and their impact on the change of concepts for university education. Mr. Refaat Fiyad drew attention to the need to link new technological programs to training in the industry as it takes place in advanced industrial countries and he pointed out to the German model as an example. 

Later on, the second-panel discussion was held and entitled "Environmental sustainability and the future of energy in Egypt in the framework of achieving Vision 3030". It was moderated by Dr. Jamal Bdeir Abdulaziz, the Executive Director of the Regional Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency. It was attended by Engineer, Amjad Mohamed Al-Hwaihy, the Head of the Department of Studies, Research, and Testing at the New and Renewable Energy Authority, Dr. Tarek Al-Sayed, Ecosystem Manager of Eizz company for Flat Steel Industry, Mr. Hatem Al-Romy, Chairman of Triple M Company, the journalist Amr Ghnima, Deputy Editor of Al-Ahram and Director of Suez bureau. So, Engineer Amjad Al-Hwihi presented the development of the electricity production system from renewable energies and the Authority's plan until 2035. 

Meanwhile, Dr. Tarek Al-Sayed spoke about sustainability according to statistics of reports from the Presidency of the Cabinet and the Presidency of the United Nations reports and the impact extent of the recent development in Egypt on the life of Suez society. So, Mr. Hatem Al-Romy reviewed his company's contribution to the environmental sustainability system through a research farm in Abu Swair and the company contribution in establishing a smart village in new oases depends on new energies. As for Mr. Amr Ghanima, he showed the Suez governorate plan in the field of environmental sustainability by establishing the new city of Suez as a fourth-generation city. 

Finally, there were artistic programs, poetry, and national songs by the students which are admired by the attendants. In addition, the attendants harmonized with the Semsmia Band from Suez Culture Palace. The band sang many national and heritage songs with which the attendants interact. The celebration was concluded by honoring the guests and symbols of staff and employees from the Faculty of Technology and Education who were given memorial shields.