Suez University
"Atta" participates in the meeting of the Supreme Council of Universities, and the Council congratulates him for assuming the functions of SU President
Sun. 27 Aug, 2023

The Minister of Higher Education chairs the periodic meeting of the Supreme Council of Universities at the Ministry's headquarters in the new administrative capital.

Minister of Higher Education directs:

- Maximize the use of the Egyptian Knowledge Bank with its unique possibilities

- Activating the role of universities in the development of society and the national economy

- Development of operational plans for cultural, artistic and sports activities in preparation for the new university year

- Readiness of university hospitals to receive new students to conduct the medical examination

- Continued readiness of computer laboratories in all public universities throughout the coordination period

On Saturday, the Supreme Council of Universities held its periodic meeting, chaired by Dr. Ayman Ashour, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, in the presence of Dr. Reza Hijazi, Minister of Education and Technical Education, Dr. Mustafa Rafat, Secretary of the Council, and the Council members at the Ministry's headquarters in the new administrative capital.

At the beginning of the meeting, the Council congratulated Dr. Hassan Al-Numani for his appointment as President of Sohag University. The Council also congratulated Dr. Ghada Farouk on her assignment as Acting President of Ain Shams University, Dr. Ahmed Akkawi for his assignment as Acting President of South Valley University, Dr. Nasser Al-Jizawi for his assignment as Acting President of Penha University, Dr. Hamdan Rabi for his assignment as Acting President of Damietta University, and Dr. Ali Atta for his assignment as Acting President of Suez University, wished them success.

The Minister emphasized the active role of universities in active participation to support the development of society and the national economy and to prepare qualified graduates to join the local, regional, and international labor market. As well as to establish cooperation protocols with the prestigious international universities to improve the educational and research system, to continue supporting scientific research efforts to upgrade the rankings of Egyptian universities in international rankings in order to activate the objectives and principles of the National Strategy for Higher Education and Scientific Research, and to reach outputs that support the State's efforts to achieve the goals of the Egypt Vision 2030 for Sustainable Development.

The Minister directed the use of the Egyptian Knowledge Bank to maximize its unique and enormous possibilities for learning and training, to make available various kinds of science and knowledge, and to increase the research production of Egyptian universities, centers, and research bodies, and benefit from it in the development of the service of industry and production sectors.

The Minister directed the operationalization of the role of regional alliances signed between higher education institutions and productive and industrial institutions at the level of the Republic's regions with the aim of achieving a development leap in different geographical regions, promoting scientific and research cooperation between universities, industry, business, and productive institutions beside employing the potential of academic and scientific institutions to serve all development needs facing geographical regions, as well as to develop joint programs and projects that contribute to the promotion of innovation, technological development, and economic growth.

The Minister directed the consistent readiness of computer laboratories in all public universities to assist students throughout the period of electronic coordination and provide technical support to students to ensure that they are facilitated during the next coordination period. He thanked the Coordination Office of Admissions to Government Universities and Institutes, the Secretariat of the Supreme Council of Universities, and the Secretariat of the Private University Councils for coordinating and accepting new students this year. In addition to accepting students returning from Sudanese, Russian, and Ukrainian universities to complete their studies with Egyptian private universities.

The Minister directed the intensification of the work of the talents and innovators care centers at universities to support and nurture talented and innovative students in the artistic, literary, scientific, technological, and sports fields, and to disseminate specific programs to meet their needs and develop their abilities.

The Minister also directed to intensifying the efforts of universities during the next academic year to promote students' affiliation and sensitize them to the dangers of unequal and extremist ideas, in line with the tireless efforts of ministries and stakeholders of the State, to combat misconceptions and ideas that are contrary to the tolerant religious beliefs and cultural and societal legacies of the Egyptian people.

The Minister also directed the continued efforts of universities to receive the new academic year 2023/2024, finalize all maintenance work for buildings, auditoriums, lecture halls, laboratories, and university dormitories, and ensure the existence of safety tools in all university facilities to preserve life and facilities.

The Minister pointed out the need for all university hospitals to be ready to receive students to make the necessary medical examination before enrolling them in universities, and to ensure that all logistical needs are provided for the continuation of their work in providing health services to citizens.

The Council heard a report on the main activities of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in August on the top of which the meeting of the Egyptian President Abdelfattah El-Sisi with the Minister of Higher Education. The meeting reviewed updates on the implementation of the National Strategy for Higher Education and Scientific Research, provided a catalytic atmosphere for localizing and producing knowledge, supporting the shift towards 4G universities to keep pace with global trends, and presented the development efforts of the Egyptian Knowledge Bank to promote the course of education and scientific research. Especially by providing more scientific resources and outstanding educational and training programs in all fields for all groups and ages, tackling establishing alliances at the level of the Republic's territories between institutions of higher education and multiple economic entities in each province with the aim of achieving a development leap in the different geographical regions, promoting scientific and research cooperation between universities and the industry and business community, and Presenting efforts to operate private and technological universities throughout the Republic. As well as continuing and strengthening the twinning process and partnership between Egyptian universities and the best universities worldwide, besides presenting efforts to develop and upgrade the efficiency of university hospitals for their essential role in providing health services to citizens at the level of the Republic.

The report of the meeting with the Egyptian President also reviewed the updates in the development of the Ain Shams University hospital area and its transformation into a global medical city in the heart of Cairo, through the establishment of a new and developed medical and administrative infrastructure, the creation of an attractive working environment, the beautification of the public site, the elimination of indiscriminate gatherings, the mechanization of the city's medical hospitals, and the deepening digital transformation of its working methods to achieve the State's goal of providing outstanding medical services to all Egyptians in a genuine, tangible, and sustainable manner. In addition to the meeting with the Egyptian President to present the State plan for the development of the historic Cairo area to achieve an integrated vision for a comprehensive development to safeguard the unique historical value of the area.

The report pointed out that the Minister of Higher Education had inaugurated several medical projects and facilities in Penha University's hospitals and inspected the main coordination office of Ain Shams University. The Minister also witnessed the signing of contracts for the design and manufacture of Egypt's first homemade electric vehicle, as well as the signing of a cooperation protocol for the establishment of Egypt's Digital Innovation Center "Creteva" at Al-Arish University in cooperation with the Ministry of Communications, and signing cooperation protocols between the Faculty of Medicine of Mansoura University and the Directorate of Health Affairs of Dakahlia in cooperation with the Ministry of Health.

The Minister of Higher Education also met with distinguished Egyptian scientists on the Stanford List in cooperation with the Fulbright institution to maximize the benefit of the research production of Egyptian scientists in the service of development sectors and the formation of groups of scientists in all scientific disciplines and their association with the scientists of the world to upgrade the classification of Egyptian universities, besides visiting Zewail City for Science and Technology and hold an extensive meeting with its scientists to guide its integration into the Cairo Grand Alliance to maximize the use of modern labs in Zewail City for scientific research and transforming the results of scientific research into innovations benefiting society and the national economy. As well as attending a workshop for higher education editors on "The use of the media to promote gender equality", opening the workshop "Egypt Pioneers and Scientists Program", which is held in cooperation with the Ministry, USAID, and the American University in Cairo, and holding several meetings with ambassadors and foreign officials to explore ways of supporting scientific cooperation.

The report noted the continuing work of coordinating admissions to government universities and institutes, announcing the results of the first and second stages of Egyptian secondary students 2023, and holding skill tests for students with equivalent degrees (Arabic and foreign).

Dr. Adel Abdul Ghaffar, Media Adviser and Spokesperson of the Ministry stated that the Council has witnessed the signing of a cooperation protocol between Aswan University represented at the Institute of African Research and Studies, the countries of the Nile Basin, and Assiut University represented by the Faculty of Commerce in the field of postgraduate studies and research. The Protocol provides for the exchange of faculty staff members to teach some subjects, supervise various scientific theses, and provide all means of support to facilitate the work of both sides. As well as organizing workshops and mutual visits to transfer scientific expertise. Dr. Ayman Osman, president of Aswan University, and Dr. Ahmed El-Manshawi, president of Assiut University signed the cooperation protocol.

The spokesperson added that the Council reviewed a report on the success of universities in organizing skill tests in Egyptian government universities for the academic year 2023/2024, in faculties that require passing the skill tests to enroll them. The report tackled the presentation of comprehensive statistics about the tests at the university and faculty levels.

The Council reviewed a report on the training plan implemented by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in cooperation with leading international information technology companies to train faculty staff members, employees, and technical staff specialized in the IT sector of the Supreme Council of Universities and Higher Education Institutions, and to provide them with specialized educational courses, as well as certified certificates.

The Council had also approved the Standard Framework Regulations for Compulsory Training in Medical Faculties.

General Directorate of the Public Information Office and Spokesperson.