Suez University
About Suez University (12) Faculty of Arts
Mon. 14 Aug, 2023

Suez University Media Center publishes a series of seminars to learn about Suez University for the University's new students with general high school in 2023.

Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Ali Hussein Atta, Acting President of Suez University.


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The Faculty of Arts

Dean of the Faculty

Prof. Dr. Mohamed Mazen Jalal


The SU Faculty of Arts was established pursuant to Prime Minister's Decision No. 650 of 2014. The SU Faculty of Arts and Humanities was approved on 23/4/2014, thereby the Faculty of Arts and Humanities was the seventh faculty of Suez University.

Its name was then amended to the Faculty of Arts in accordance with the Prime Minister's Decision No. 1408 of 2017.

Initially, the faculty had seven departments (Arabic-English-French _ History and Civilization _ Geography-Philosophy-Sociology), and postgraduate studies were available.

At the beginning of the university year 2018/2019, the Psychology and Chinese language departments were opened thus the number of departments became 9 departments. The first graduates of the SU Faculty of Arts graduated in 2018.


First: The Vision of the Faculty

The SU Faculty of Arts seeks to achieve the objectives of distinguished university education, through the dissemination of a culture of proficiency and mastery, in the bachelor's and postgraduate levels. This is achieved through the continuous updating of educational programs, curricula, and educational systems to keep pace with global development and academic standards. As well as the development of the faculty's administration and scientific departments through the permanent development of the courses of the faculty staff, associated staff, and administrative personnel besides the communication with civil society and its scientific and practical stakeholders. That aims to prepare competitive graduates in a changing world and a job market with specific needs, as well as disseminating and entrenching the inherent values of society, improving the quality of life and human behavior, respecting others, and recognizing human rights in knowledge, thought, and belief.


Second: The Mission of the faculty:

The SU Faculty of Arts is a governmental educational institution, providing educational and cultural requirements for students and graduates, through a range of disciplines in arts, languages, and social sciences and humanities, at the bachelor and postgraduate levels. The faculty aims to disseminate and develop knowledge to prepare graduates with high-quality scientific levels, according to recognized international scientific standards in the fields of Languages and Literature, History and Geography, Philosophy, Psychology, and Sociology, as well as to play an active role in scientific research, through its scientific departments, and its master's and Ph.D. degrees. The faculty takes responsibility for serving the community and providing it with outstanding intellectuals, educators, and learners. As well as discovering talented people and preparing them to be at the forefront of culture and enlightenment in society through a system of integrating branches of social and human knowledge, preparing distinguished graduates for the available labor market, locally, Arabically, and globally preserving human heritage, and entrenching moral values, in education, research, and scientific service.


Third: The Objectives of the faculty

- Educational objectives:

1. Prepare students scientifically and practically in the specialized fields of the faculty, to be citizens responsible for the development of society.

2. Commitment to excellence in education, providing high-quality courses, consistent with the global development in the specialized fields of the faculty and appropriate practical training.

3. Strengthen the interaction between students, faculty, and society by giving them appropriate academic time, and continuous practical and scientific guidance.

4. Application of modern systems in the faculty administration at its vertical and horizontal levels.

5. Developing student services and activities.


Fourth: Scientific Research Objectives:

1. Provide the appropriate scientific environment for teaching staff and their associated staff to acquire research and professional skills.

2. Preparing researchers of distinguished graduates, with scientific research skills, and the ability to use modern techniques in the field of specialization.

3. Guide postgraduate researchers and faculty staff to innovative research to add human knowledge in the fields of arts, languages, social sciences, and humanity.

4. Promotion of group scientific research of outstanding quality in the mentioned fields, presenting it at world-class scientific conferences and publishing it in reviewed international scientific journals.


Fifth: Community Service and Environmental Development

1. Strengthening cooperation with civil society, linking it to the faculty through the specialized faculty departments to achieve positive interaction with it and constantly identifying its problems to find appropriate scientific solutions.

2. To play an effective leadership role at the provincial and territorial levels by conducting research and studies on societal problems and proposing possible solutions to them.

3. Finding effective means of communication with local, regional, and national scientific and service bodies and institutions to study issues and problems related to the faculty's specialization, and to achieve cooperation with all bodies to achieve common goals in sustained human development.

4. Preparation of courses and programs for the development of human capacities in society and the upgrading of administrative competencies at the faculty, university, and community levels.


Sixth: Moral Charter

1. The SU Faculty of Arts is an academic institution. The faculty staff and its personnel operate in accordance with a moral charter, stemming from their awareness of their scientific, societal, and national responsibilities, their adherence to the rules of scientific honesty, and their response to the social, cultural, and economic development of society.

2. Faculty staff and employees have a firm belief in the value of the advancement of knowledge, and in their specific tasks to develop their scientific capabilities, theoretical and applied research according to the utmost restraint, and self-assessment in the production, use, transfer, and dissemination of knowledge.

3. Faculty staff members encourage their students to seek knowledge and practice creative free thinking through integrated cultural and moral standards. They also respect their students, abide by their role as intellectual and academic mentors, avoid exploitation or discrimination of any kind, encourage freedom of research, and protect it in accordance with the rules of scientific research.


Fields of work: Opportunities for graduates of the Faculty of Arts of its various departments:

Teaching and community service work

Media fields: Preparation and presentation of audio and video programs

Local and international Businesses and companies

Tourism and telecommunications companies

Field of Translation

Scientific Research Centers

Petroleum and Cadastral fields (Geography Department)

Transport, Planning, and Community Services

Psychological care institutions and communication centers for disabled people.


Seventh: Scientific Degrees

The list of accredited hours was applied in the academic year 2022/2023. Suez University according to the suggestion of the Faculty of Education Council provides a bachelor's degree of accredited hours system in the Arabic, English, French, History, Geography, Philosophy, and Sociology departments as well as the following programs:


Non-traditional programs:


First: Specialist Translation Program (English)

Believing in the importance of keeping abreast of the age and rapid development in all aspects of life, the English Department at the SU Faculty of Arts offers this distinctive program to graduate a professional generation of translators whether in translation or interpretation. The program was therefore based on providing students with the latest translation techniques and opening to the labor market to meet its requirements based on the prospective development of the Suez Canal axis, in which the Suez governorate is a cornerstone and as the economic activity of this region increases, the energy to communicate with different cultures will increase.


About the Program: Ministerial Decree No. (4235) was issued on 19/9/2019 approving that the faculty provide a bachelor’s degree in the English and Specialized Translation Program by the Credited Hours System.


The vision of the Program: The SU Faculty of Arts looks forward to leading in English literature studies, English proficiency, and translation. Translation is the bridge that connects civilizations to live and thrive and promotes intercultural communication among peoples. Translation is an important tool for our young people to be armed with to face this intertwined world, which is extremely important for those who know the other's language. Translation is also one of the most important means of assisting a young researcher in scientific research.


The mission of the Program: The SU Faculty of Arts seeks to prepare qualified graduates in the field of English language and translation scientifically and practically who are familiar with all the requirements of the translation profession that enable them to conduct postgraduate studies and targeted research. It also seeks to ensure that the graduate of the translation program can translate from and to English in a proper language free of errors.



1. Increasing the number of translators in the Egyptian, regional, and international labor market.

2. Development of university education at the Faculty of Arts in Suez.

3. Raising the faculty's academic and research efficiency serving the community and developing an operational development plan.

4. Developing students' translation skills in writing, reading, and translating to and from English.

3. Activate cooperation with bodies interested in translation such as the National Centre for Translation - the General Authority for Culture Palaces and the Writers' Authority.

4. Develop the potential of the faculty to support graduate students.

5. Development of courses related to English for undergraduates and postgraduates in the field of translation.

6. Develop and master Arabic language skills as a necessary tool in the translation process.

7. Developing the research and monetary skills of the program's students.

Developing students' skills in using a second language (French).

9- Raising the level of the academic calendar and quality management of the college.


Study language of the program: Study in English while using Arabic when translating into English.


Second: French Language and Specialized Translation Program

The vision of the program: leadership in the field of specialized French language besides guiding students on the importance of translation and its fields that service the labor market.

Mission of the program: To promote the linguistic level of students on a sound scientific basis. Most of the enrolment students have studied the second language, are qualified students to master the language, and are trained in translation in all its fields to serve the Suez community and the Canal hub area in the fields of French language and translation in various fields and specializations.


Program’s strategic objectives:

1. Master French language and specialized translation to keep abreast of local and regional developments and meet the needs of the labor market.

2. Upgrading the graduate’s professional level scientifically and linguistically to increase their ability to effectively compete in the labor market in various sectors (tourism, banks, companies, legal, diplomatic, and medical fields).

3. Opening new job prospects and opportunities for graduates to directly contact the labor market and various available fields.

4. Students acquire French language speaking and writing skills.

5. Training students in French translation methods and techniques.

6. Familiarize students with the importance of supporting computer applications to be used in translation.

7. Proficiency in a second foreign language along with a specialized language.

8. Proficiency in translation into the mother tongue and from it into French and providing the finest meanings in various fields.

9. Conscious reading and understanding of the texts of literature by learning about the most famous writers, literary doctrines, and pioneering literary works to communicate with the culture of the other and respect cultural differences.


Third: French language program and specialized translation (special)

Translation is an important area of language in general, and of French education in particular (as the second language worldwide). The need for translation has arisen in modern times, given the importance of communicating with civilizations and the interconnectedness of strategic, cultural, scientific, and academic interests. The translator is indispensable these days to convey the other's culture, intentions, understanding, and readiness to confront it.


Target fields of work:

- Investment companies and bodies operating in Suez and the Canal hub - ministries and government bodies - private sector (translation offices - lawyers' offices - private companies and telecommunications companies) - international institutions such as embassies, hotels, and tourism companies - research centers - publishing companies - local French newspapers, teaching in schools and language education centers - freelancer translators- scientific and local conferences.


Fourth: Cadastral and Geographic Information Systems

The SU Faculty of Arts sought to keep pace with one of the most important requirements of the local and regional labor market through the design of a distinctive program in the field of cadastral and geographic information systems.


Vision of the program: The Cadastral and Geographic Information Systems Program of the SU Faculty of Arts looks forward to a prestigious place among other specialized programs in Egyptian universities, by providing a distinct environment for education, learning, and scientific research, to prepare specialized graduates capable of competing in the labor market, community service, and environmental development.


The mission of the program: The program seeks to provide a distinguished educational service that considers national standards of quality and can continuously develop, through the prestigious human and institutional capabilities available to graduate scientific and practical qualified specialists with all the requirements that enable them to compete in the field of cadastral and geographic information systems.


Objectives of the program: The program seeks to achieve a set of objectives:

- Addressing the needs of the labor market internally and externally in the fields of cadastral and geographic information systems, through the preparation of a graduate with scientific, practical, and ethical competitiveness.

- Contribute to solving relevant societal problems.

- To contribute to community development processes through the program’s courses that have the power for geographical decision-making, planning, and development.

- Preparing and contributing to a graduate with knowledge of scientific research and international publishing developments.

- Orientation towards empowering institutional capacities for self-financing and institutional development.


Fields of work: The program meets the shortage of specialized cadres in cadastral, GIS, and remote sensing located in internal and international bodies such as:

- All companies and bodies are interested in construction, particularly in the fields of constructing new cities, roads, and bridges, as well as establishing potable water, irrigation, and drainage sanitation systems besides the communications field.

- The fields of petroleum, industry, and mining.

- Bodies interested in the field of environmental planning of all kinds.

- Interested bodies in the fields of industrial, urban, and agricultural development.

- Cadastral bodies and companies interested in the fields of marine and air cadastral.

- Meteorological bodies.

- Bodies concerned with tourism and its development.

- Information centers and decision support in different entities.

- Bodies interested in field surveys and statistics, such as the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics.


Fifth: Psychology Bachelor program

The vision of the program: The Department of Psychology of the SU Faculty of Arts is an educational, research, and knowledge field to enrich the knowledge and psychological services in all fields of basic and applied psychology that stands at a level competing with the world's psychological entities and is in constant contact with them.


Mission of the program: The Department of Psychology is one of the departments of the SU Faculty of Arts and Humanities that offers outstanding programs in the field of psychology. The department's mission is to provide educational programs according to quality and excellence standards to prepare a qualified graduate in psychology who is cognitively, skilled, technically, and ethically qualified to meet the changing needs of psychological practices and services locally, regionally, and internationally. As well as preparation of research that enriches theoretical and applied knowledge and contributes to the service of society by seeking to solve problems faced by both psychological and social psychosocial aspects.


Objectives: The Department of Psychology seeks to prepare a university graduate with the following qualities:


1. Knowledge:

- Adequate information on the main branches and the most important applied branches of psychology.

- Familiarity with sources that serve to integrate psychological knowledge from outside the specialization, such as Philosophy, Sociology, Psychiatry, Statistics.

- Familiarity with the knowledge determined by Suez University such as English, computer, human rights, and quality science.


2. Skills:

- Psychometric skills of mental and personal abilities

- Clinical diagnostic skills such as interview, observation, and case history

- Primary skills in psychotherapy of various kinds

- Vocational guidance and psychological counselling skills

- Research skills and dealing with special categories.

- Reading and understanding psychological texts in English


3. Capacity:

- Preparation of psychological metrics (the department has a psychology laboratory containing a distinct set of modern and useful measurement and diagnostic bags)

- Preparation of descriptive and experimental research

- Computer Statistical Analysis


Ethics: Training to adhere to the ethics of practicing a psychologist's profession


Outlook on the Future of the SU Faculty of Arts

The plan for the future of the Faculty of Arts is based on the achievement of the final goals and strategic objectives of the faculty:

1. Development of educational and academic affairs.

2. Development of the faculty postgraduate programs.

3. Developing community and environmental services.

4. Developing the faculty's own resources to support the educational and research process.


Goal 1: Develop educational and academic affairs.

1. Establishment of a committee to review the study programs in the departments.

2. Develop a mechanism to update curricula based on review reports, students' and beneficiaries' opinions, changes, developments, and labor market needs.

3. Develop a mechanism to ensure that targeted learning outputs are achieved for programs.

4. Develop a mechanism to measure the progress of different programs to take corrective action.

5. Spread the culture of self-learning and electronic learning among students and teaching staff.

6. Encourage teaching staff to make e-courses.

7. Encourage teaching staff and students to use reference books.

8. Provide self-learning sources.

9. Automated work to measure the effectiveness of current teaching methods.

10. Develop a mechanism to detect and care for struggling students.

11. Develop a system to encourage and care for outstanding and creative students.


Goal 2: Develop faculty postgraduate programs to keep abreast of contemporary trends in postgraduate studies and to meet society's needs for the required professional development.

1. Establishment of a committee to review postgraduate programs of departments.

2. Develop a mechanism to update curricula based on audit reports, students' opinions, variables, global developments, and labor market needs.

3. Develop a mechanism to ensure that targeted learning outputs are achieved for programs.

4. Measuring the progress of different programs to take corrective action.


Goal 3: Develop community and environmental services.

How to implement the target and development proposals

1. Setting a mechanism for special units free of routine.

2. Develop a system to create competitiveness between units and reward employees of premium units.

3. Create a voluntary team of teaching staff from different disciplines, as scientific advisers capable of solving the problems of the whole community Surrounding the faculty.

4. Identify an entity responsible for dealing with the outside community and beneficiaries, as well as how to deal.

5. Work to earn beneficiaries' trust and satisfaction.


Goal 4: Develop the faculty's own resources to support the educational and research process.

How to implement the target and development proposals

• Develop more such distinguished learning programs - training courses - psychological, family, development, and community consultations with some institutions - attracting international students - controlling financial expenditures.


Long-term ambitions

The SU Faculty of Arts aspires in the far term to:

• Innovate a non-traditional curriculum linked to society's real needs.

• Possess advanced scientific infrastructure and laboratories to enrich the educational and research process and to conduct high-level community service.

• To be implemented, at all levels, in accordance with transparent regulations and objective measurements and to become among the top ten faculties of Arts in Africa by 2024.