Suez University
About Suez University … Technical Institute of Nursing
Sat. 12 Aug, 2023

Suez University Media Center publishes a series to learn about Suez University for the University's new students who had a high school for the academic year 2023, under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Ali Hussein Atta, Acting President of Suez University.

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Information of the Nursing Technical Institute

Institute Director

Dr. Mervat Al-Shahat Ibrahim Khalil

About the Nursing Technical Institute

The Technical Institute of Nursing - Suez University was established based on Ministerial Decree No. 4193 of 18 October 2019. Ministerial Decree No. 63 of 9 June 2020 was issued to begin studies at the Institute for the year 2020/2021, with the application of the Standard Regulations for Technical Nursing Institutes.  

  • Vision

The Technical Institute of Nursing seeks excellence in technical nursing education to meet the community needs of the community and the requirements of the local and regional labor market.


  • Mission

Graduating qualified nurses with science and nursing skills to provide nursing care that meets the needs of the community and keeps pace with progress by improving the quality of nursing care provided.


  • Objectives of the Technical Institute of Nursing:

- Graduate qualified nurses capable of performing basic nursing care based on the necessary practical information and skills while working with healthy and sick people in all health institutions.


- Strengthening the Institute's role in contributing to comprehensive health care and the integrated development of society.

The SU Technical Institute of Nursing provides a diploma of the Technical Institute of Nursing.


  • Institute's admission system

Subject to the general provisions of the implementing regulations of the Law on the Organization of Universities, the Institute is obliged to apply the decisions contained in the Standard Rules of Procedure of Technical Nursing Institutes. The admission of students to the Technical Institute for Nursing is required:

1. Students with a high degree certificate (Science Division).

2. Study English (first or second language).

3- Apply for admission to the Institute through the Coordinating Office for University Admissions in accordance with the rules and regulations established by the Higher Council of Universities.

4. International Students who are admitted under the same general conditions for the admission of their Egyptian counterparts in accordance with the rules established by the Higher Council of Universities.

The Institute's study system:

  1. The duration of the Institute's study: two academic years followed (6 months) by a compulsory training period (excellence).
  2. Courses include nursing science, medical science, humanities and a series of supporting courses. The Institute also conducts a series of practical training courses, the most important of which are practical training in nursing science, on which the Institute's studies are based.
  3. Basic study language: English plus some subjects in Arabic.
  4. The Institute allows graduates to apply and enroll in nursing faculties and obtain a bachelor's degree in nursing science in accordance with the regulations and laws regulated by the Supreme Council of Universities and its own rules.
  5. To practice nursing or get a license, graduates must complete the compulsory training period first.

- Graduation Requirements:

1. The student has successfully passed the courses necessary for graduation spread over two academic years.

2. Students must complete six months of training at 36 hours per week after their second year. The training is supervised by the Institute/Department of Excellence, with a comprehensive reward offered to the student.

Employment opportunities:

Graduates are mandated to university hospitals, Ministry of Health and Education hospitals, and health institutions.

Skills Laboratory

The administration of the institute has equipped the laboratories for practical skills to train students to perform various nursing procedures and skills in order to enable them to master them when providing health services to patients, where students are trained in a safe environment. This is done under the supervision of staff members of the institute, before applying them to actual patients in hospitals.

- Basic nursing and nursing skills laboratory for adult and critical cases: it is equipped with different models, models similar to the human body, models for anatomical parts, and various devices such as an electrocardiogram (ECG), where the student is given an opportunity to stimulate the reality.