Suez University
About Suez University… Faculty of Commerce
Tue. 08 Aug, 2023

Suez University Media Center publishes a series to learn about Suez University for the University's new students who had a high school for the academic year 2023, under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Ali Hussein Atta, Acting President of Suez University.

For more information, please visit the University's official website...

Faculty of Commerce

- About Faculty:

The faculty was established pursuant to the decision of the University Council of 29 October 1996 and the decision of the Supreme Council of Universities of 9 October 1997. The faculty began its studies in the academic year 1997/1998. It became a subsidiary of Suez University at the time of its independence from the University of the Suez Canal in 2012.


  • The Faculty Vision 

Adding value to the national economy and society through the development of the business community and environment in the Suez Gulf. 


  • The Faculty Mission 

 Providing an educational process that contributes to preparing competitive graduates who are good at understanding and application, developing the research process in business, management, finance, and its quantitative applications, and Providing community service that confirms the University's active role in the Suez Gulf region and the Red Sea coast. 


  • The general objective: is to prepare and graduate cadres with knowledge, skills, and professionalism in the commercial fields of the local, regional, and international labor market, to upgrade the level of scientific research, and to confirm the faculty's identity as a center for scientific and cultural research as well as being a specialized educational institution.
  • Requirements for bachelor's degree admission

Second: General Conditions for Admission to the faculty: The Suez University Council, at the suggestion of the Faculty of Commerce Council, determines the number of students who can be admitted in the new academic year of study to the faculty among students with Egyptian High School Certificate or academic equivalents. Students transferred from other corresponding faculties in accordance with the conditions established by the Higher Council of Universities, and Students arriving in accordance with the rules established by the Supreme Council of Egyptian Universities (International Students Administration).

Third: Scientific departments and degrees that were provided by the faculty or the academic programs.

At the request of the Council of the Faculty of Commerce, Suez University provides the following degrees by accredited hours system:

    1. Bachelor's degree (in Arabic, English) in the following departments:

- Accounting and Auditing Section (accounting specialization).

- Business Management Section (Business Administration, Human Resources Development and Management, Marketing, Investment and Finance Management, Petroleum and Energy Enterprise Management).

- Department of Quantitative and computer sciences (specialization in applied statistics, and actuarial statistics and insurance).

The bachelor's degree is divided into four levels; The general specialization starts from level two and the exact specialization from level four.

2- The degrees (master's degree, Doctor of Philosophy) is academic in one of the following specialization divisions:

- Accounting Section (Accounting Specialty).

- Business Administration Section (management, human resources, marketing, finance, and investment).

- Department of Quantitative and computer sciences (specialization in applied statistics, and actuarial statistics and insurance).

Academic postgraduate diplomas in the following:

The SU Faculty of Commerce offers two types of academic diplomas in a range of disciplines characterized by the combination of the philosophical framework and the applied aspect with the opportunity for applicants to study a selection of courses completed from outside the faculty's disciplines. These diplomas are as follows:

- Accounting and Auditing Section (specializing in accounting, auditing and taxation, administrative costs and accounting, government and national accounting systems, accounting of financial institutions).

- Business Management Section (Business Administration, Marketing, Investment, and Finance, Human Resources Development, Petroleum and Mining Establishments Management).

- Department of Quantitative and computer sciences (specialization in applied statistics, and actuarial statistics and insurance).

4- Specialized Professional Degrees

At the level of specialized professional postgraduate studies:

  • Professional Diploma

The study of the professional diploma program, which focuses on the applied aspect, aims to enhance the professional competence in the field of specialized work and occupational professionalism of the student in the following disciplines:

- Accounting and Auditing Section (specializing in accounting, accounting of financial institutions).

- Business Management Section (Business Administration, Marketing, Investment, and Finance, Human Resources Development, Petroleum and Mining Establishments Management).

- Department of Quantitative and computer sciences (specialization in applied statistics, and actuarial statistics and insurance).

  • Master’s degree in business administration

The aim of the study in the professional master's program is to provide more comprehensive and specialized applied studies in the field of professional work and to raise the professional and executive competence of the student in order to qualify him to deal literally with professional problems. The financial accounting path is also found as a second track in the professional master's in business administration.

  • Professional doctorate in business administration

The study aims to develop the student's ability to innovate and develop in his/her professional work by studying advanced scientific and applied courses in his/her field and preparing an integrated scientific and applied message to solve a practical and professional problem related to his/her specialization. The financial accounting path is also found as a second track in the professional doctor.

Fourth: Faculty's scientific journal

Published by the SU Faculty of Commerce "Journal of Administrative, Financial and Quantitative Research", a science-based journal, the first issue of which was issued in December 2021.

Fifth: Centre for Sustainable Development in the Administrative, Financial, and Quantity Fields.

  • About the center: 

It is a public service center, established by the decision of the Minister of Higher Education No. (412) of 22/11/2021, as a special unit of the SU Faculty of Commerce, in order to maximize the role of the University in the service of society and the surrounding environment and in the light of the provisions of Act No. 49 of 1972, to meet the urgent needs of the governorates of Suez, South Sinai and the Red Sea for training, studies, research and consultations in administrative, financial and quantitative fields of a commercial nature, information systems and other areas of concern to the faculty. 

  • The vision of the center: 

The Centre has an efficient and effective scientific and applied role that complements the academic role of the University in the sustainable development of the environment and community service.

Center's mission:

- Application of human resources technology for university students, graduates and supplementary specializations.

- To extend the Centre's services to the rest of society, especially in the area of small and micro-enterprises.

- Providing a range of administrative and financial research and consultations in its various disciplines in order to serve the business sector in its environment.

- Undertaking a series of activities that realize the Centre's vision and provide various parties to the surrounding environment.

Objectives of the Center:

    1. Providing services that contribute to sustainable development in the range of the faculty's disciplines or serve community stakeholders.
    2. Conduct research, studies, and administrative and financial consultations of a commercial nature with others.
    3. Conduct training programs for all workers in the administrative and economic sectors of the State, whether they are ready or targeted programs.
    4. Training through the Computer Centre on its commercial and economic uses.
    5. Scientific conferences in the administrative and financial fields of commerce.
    6. The publication of the scientific journal of the Faculty of Trade in Suez, which specializes in scientific research in the administrative and financial fields, is a scientific journal.
    7. Liaising with scientific centers and bodies of Egyptian and foreign universities to provide advice and training in areas of interest to the center.

General training programs:

General Administration - Strategic Management - Quality - Human Resources - Marketing and Sales - Project Management - Secretarial and Office Management - Bank Programs - Accounting and Financial Programs - Legal Programs - Procurement and Warehouse Programs - Statistical Programs - Security and Safety Programs.

Special training programs:

The Centre recognizes that enterprises differ in their objectives, nature of work, and training needs. The Centre, therefore, offers special training programs for all categories and is tailored to the needs of beneficiaries. This process is carried out through four main stages: identification of training needs, design, and preparation of training programs according to those needs, implementation of training programs, and evaluation of training programs.

Examples of such programs are offered by the Centre in the current period (Professional Financial Accountant PFA - Performance Development - Women's Leadership - Electronic Accounting - Professional Legal Accountant - Commercial Arbitration - Commercial Language Qualification).

The Centre's training programs:

The Centre has conducted a series of training courses, as follows:

1. Professional Financial Accountant Program 4 (PFA):  training courses.

2- Training Specialist Program TOT: One training course.

3. Artificial Intelligence Program (AI): one training course.

4. Entrepreneurship course in professional photography.

5. Crochet Business Course

6. English course in business.

7. Introduction seminar on certified CMA.

8. Symposium on electronic tax system - invoice, receipt, and electronic confirmation.

9. Symposium on the Uniform Tax Procedure Act No. 206 of 2020 and the Income Tax Act No. 91 of 2005.