Suez University
About Suez University… Faculty of Fish Resources
Mon. 07 Aug, 2023

Suez University Media Center publishes a series to learn about Suez University for the University's new students who had a high school for the academic year 2023, under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Ali Hussein Atta, Acting President of Suez University.

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Faculty of Fish Resources

Dean of the faculty

Prof. Dr. Osama Ahmed Khalil Kador

Faculty Introduction:

The SU Faculty of Fish Resources is one of the distinguished faculties with scarcity in specialization as well as beacon of higher education and scientific research and is based on the dissemination of the culture of scientific research "innovation and creativity". The faculty represents a distinct scientific edifice that effectively contributes to the achievement of the vision, mission, and objectives of the university.

The faculty was established by Republican Decree No. 317 of 2009 and began its studies in the university year 2011/2012 by Ministerial Decree No. 1094 of 24/5/2011.

About Faculty:

The faculty was established as the first faculty in the field of fish resources in the Arab Republic of Egypt in order to keep abreast of scientific developments and modern techniques in the field of fisheries; Maritime studies and employ all possibilities to develop its constructive solutions to the problems of society and the preservation of the marine environment. It looks forward to opening practical areas to keep pace with the labor market inside and outside Egypt. It also aims at the faculty's vision to prepare specialists in three fields:

First field: Aquaculture Technology

Second field: Inland Fisheries Technology

Third field: Marine Fisheries Technology

In view of the different fields of science, knowledge, and skills required in previous fields, the faculty offers separate courses of study for each field so that students can be provided with the maximum amount of modern science and knowledge in each field in order to graduate a specialized quality not provided by any other scientific institution in Egypt and the African Arab region.

The programs are studied in 145 hours credit system for the following programs (aquaculture technology - marine fisheries technology with different orientations) and 146 hours credit for the inland fisheries technology program.

At the request of the Faculty Council, the Suez University Council provides a bachelor's degree in fisheries science in one of the following educational programs:

  • Traditional Programs

Program 1: Aquaculture Technology.

Program II: Inland fisheries technology.

  • Non-Traditional Programs

Program III: Marine fisheries technology. This program contains three directions:

  1. Navigation and maritime fishing.
  2. Maritime safety control.
  3. Marine fishing engineering.
  • Faculty Vision:

The vision of the Faculty of Fish Resources at Suez University is to be one of the most prestigious regional faculties.

  • Faculty Mission:

The faculty seeks to present technical cadres in all fields of fish resources who are qualified to compete in the labor market with outstanding educational programs. These programs are blowing up the creative and innovative energies of students in the framework of applied scientific research to serve society.

  • Objectives:
  1. Achieving cognitive and applied scientific excellence that meets the societal needs of the fish resources sector in keeping pace with contemporary global developments. 


  1. More active integration and linkage between local, regional, and international fish resources workers. 


  1. Activating Egypt's pioneering and enlightening role by opening new avenues for university education in the field of fisheries for Arab neighboring countries and African countries, in particular, the Nile Basin countries. 


  1. Training of qualified graduates in all fields of the labor market, working in a team spirit, capable of dealing with problems, finding solutions, and developing plans and programs for the development of fish resources. 


  1. Achieving excellence of fish resources at the university in accordance with comprehensive quality standards and increasing the integration of community parties and labor market organizations in the educational, academic, and research process according to the needs of society. That leads to effective preparation of graduates, high quality of scientific research, and excellence in performance in the community service sector. 


  1. Developing the education system in line with quality content by providing a stimulating and supportive environment for teaching and learning processes and increasing the percentage of self-education to encourage the spirit of innovation, creativity, and teamwork among students. 


  1. Create the labor market to attract more faculty graduates through a community assessment of the study programs and develop them in line with the requirements of economic and social development with the situation in consideration of the developed disciplines. 


  1. Establishing the rules of scientific research among students and urging them to carry out applied research in the field of fisheries under the supervision and participation of their teachers. 


  1. Serving the community through technical consulting, technology transfer, delivering results of applied research, and mobilizing public opinion on fisheries development issues to support the faculty’s role as a house of expertise in its field. 


  1. Developing different personal, managerial, and artistic skills of students by increasing their interaction with different university activities to achieve character-building based on self-confidence, self-reliance and looking forward to the future. 


  • The faculty provides degrees (master's degree - doctorate) in the following programs:

1. Aquaculture technology program.                      

2. Environmental safety control program.

3. Fisheries Engineering program.

4. Marine fishing engineering program.

5. Biotech and Fish Health Program.

6. Program of manufacture and control of the safety of fish and its products program.

7. Economics and Fishing mentoring program.

8. Fisheries technology program.

9. Navigation marine fishing program.

  • Special Units:

The faculty has a center called the Fisheries Development Centre (Special Unit) of the Faculty of Fish Resources, which includes 7 units:

  1. Aquaculture Unit 
  1. Fodder Manufacturing Unit 
  1. Economic and Environment Studies Unit 
  1. Fish Manufacturing Unit 
  1. Community and Marketing Service Unit 
  1. Aquatic Organisms Diagnosis and Treatment Unit 
  1. Technical Support and Training Unit 


  • There is also a Central Laboratories Unit (Special Unit) which provides many services.
  • Scientific Journal:

The faculty publishes a scientific journal called Journal of Aquatic Science and Fish Resources (ASFR) and is a 7-point evaluator issued by the Higher Council of Universities for local journals (July 2022 assessment).

  • Distinguishing Features of the SU Faculty of Fish Resources:
  1. Providing smart systems of education by equipping halls with educational means as well as applying smart systems of education such as interaction on the university's electronic platforms.
  2. Providing laboratories equipped with the latest devices in the field of fish resources service:

- Fisheries Biology and Fisheries Dynamics Laboratory.

- Biotechnology Fisheries Laboratory.

- Fishing Equipment Laboratory.

- Marine Fishing Engineering Laboratory.

- Fodder Manufacturing Engineering Laboratory.

- Nutrition Fish Laboratory.

- Fish Physiology Laboratory.

- Aquatic Algae Culture Laboratory.

- Fish Manufacturing Laboratory

- Marine Chemistry Laboratory.

- Fish Pathology Laboratory.