Suez University
• On the first days of coordination... "Atta" inspects the work of the SU Coordination Office
Sat. 05 Aug, 2023

This morning, Prof. Dr. Ali Hussein Atta, Acting President of Suez University, took an inspection tour of the SU coordination office to ensure the regular functioning of the office and its readiness to receive students and parents.

Students with high school and some parents of the University Coordination Office have started to register their wishes in preparation for university life.

At the outset, Atta welcomed the attendance and congratulated the students and their parents on the success of the high school and listened to the comments and wishes of the students. He stressed on students the importance of forethought while choosing the wishes and the choice of the faculty or the field of study has to be in accordance with the tendencies and interests of the student, in order to be able to excel in the field of his studies, expressing the best wishes of all for success and good choice.

The SU President stated that Suez University had provided a headquarters for the Coordination Office to facilitate students and their parents in the process of filling wishes, explaining that the Office operates daily from 9 am to 3 pm, including Fridays and Saturdays as well, in accordance with the appointments of the University Admissions Coordination Office. He also explained that the University has provided sufficient computers and staff to assist students in all steps related to wish registration until printing forms at the end.

During the tour, Prof. Dr. Atta was accompanied by Prof. Dr. Mohammed Al-Shahid, Supervisor of the University Coordination Office, and Dr. Mohammed Shusha, the SU Secretary General.