Suez University
“Stable Family leads to Secured Society” is a seminar with the cooperation with the Ministry of Youth and Sports.
Wed. 27 Apr, 2022

Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Al-Sharkawi, SU president, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Ali Hussain Atta, in the frame of cooperation between Suez University and the Ministry of Youth and Sports, this morning Suez University organized an awareness convoy for the SU students which is a part of family and community awareness campaign.

The seminar lecturers were Dr. Khaled Salem, the director of the telephone Fatwa department at Al-Azhar, and Mr. Al-Sayed Arafa, a member of the Al-Azhar Center for electronic Fatwa. 

At the beginning of the seminar, Prof. Dr. Ali Atta welcomed the SU honorable guests and stressed on the importance of the seminar topic. Then, he informed the media center that Suez University has participated effectively in the “Mawada” project to maintain the Egyptian family entity. That project was conducted with the coordination with the Ministry of Social Solidarity along 3 seasons. Thus, a group of staff who are specialized in psychological and social sciences conducted training courses for university students to raise the awareness of the importance of the family and how to build it beside presenting various aspects of psychological, social, medical, and religious guidance for university students in this regard, in the belief that it is important to raise awareness of the preservation of the Egyptian family entity. 

For his part, Prof. Dr. Ehab Shehata, the dean of the faculty praised the topic of the awareness campaign which targets in first place presenting advice and guidance for our students in this important phase specifically with multiple variables and different effects which influences the decision to build a family for future generations. 

Moreover, the attendants spoke about the importance of the family in society as a social system with its special habits and its benefit to the whole community and the individual. That is because the individual of a family has his \ her special needs like self-expression as the family is a functional group that provides its members with many basic rumors among them are the provision of love paths between the couple, and between parents and children. 

Furthermore, the lecturers touched on the criteria for choosing a partner from a religious and worldly perspective, and the importance of establishing a choice criterion in a way that ensures a stable family social relationship. This is immediately reflected in society's security and stability.