Suez University
Prof. Dr. Al-Sayed Abdel Azim Al-Sharqawi Word, the Suez University President
Mon. 31 Jul, 2023

My colleagues; SU Vice-Presidents, Faculties Deans, Staff Members, SU Employees, and students...

To everyone, I worked with or met throughout my presidency at Suez University.

At the outset, I thank Allah for his generosity and compromise that made me in this place, which honored me and delighted me immensely. I testify to Allah that I worked hard every day to fulfill my promise to Allah and contribute to the progress of Suez University and its members to achieve What I have promised Allah for working halfheartedly and dedication to the University and its progress.

I would then like to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to His Excellency President Abdelfattah El-Sisi, the President of the Republic and the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, who honored me with his valuable confidence in assuming responsibility for the presidency of the University in this important period in Egypt's history to contribute to and to my colleagues as much as we can to the construction of the new republic under his leadership. I pray to Allah Almighty that the effort that I have made was at the best of sincerity to build a new Egypt that deserves all of us tirelessly to sacrifice.

I also admire and respect Prof. Dr. Mostafa Madbouly, the Prime Minister of the Council of Ministers, who has never wavered from supporting the University and all institutions of higher education and scientific research in Egypt, in all types of support, believing in the important role of education and scientific research in the progress of Egypt and the implementation of its government’s wise plans.

Moreover, I cannot fail to appreciate the confidence of the Ministers of Higher Education and Scientific Research with whom I worked, and the great efforts of Prof. Dr. Mohamed Ayman Ashour, the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research whom I have touched the Summit of Giving, Devotion to Work, Deep Thinking and Insight that makes Egypt's system of higher education and scientific research move confidently towards competing vigorously to be among the world's most prestigious organizations.

I also thank Prof. Dr. Khaled Abdul Ghaffar, the Minister of Health and Population, who was honored to work with him.

I would like to remind all the leaders with whom I have been privileged to cooperate, of all affection, appreciation, and respect for General Staff of War\ Abdel Majid Saqr, the Governor of Suez, Commanders of the armed forces, Loyal Policemen, Security and Monitoring Agencies, and Popular and Executive Leaderships with whom I have been honored to work and cooperate over the past years, I have touched everyone with utmost sincerity, dedication, and friendship to build our precious Egypt.

Last but not least...

My colleagues` staff and employees at the university, I would like to tell you that throughout this period, I have done my utmost to upgrade our university, and I could not have done anything without Allah's help. I have done that for the university foundation and appreciation for my humble personality; All the highest esteem, respect, and affection. Moreover, if one day I had harmed one of you or had to impose punishment on any of you, it was only with the intention of law enforcement and to achieve the justice that I have been entrusted to do, and I have done my utmost to do so. Furthermore, if I have done so with Allah's favor, and if what I have done was wrong, we are human beings.

My dear students and graduates of Suez University...

The last word I say to you in these moments...

I would like to tell you from the heart of the father to the hearts of his children, from the mind of the professor to the minds of his students...

Love your country sincerely and work and strive, Allah will not allow you to be lost the reward of any who did well in deeds.

And I hope things will get better.

Prof. Dr. Al-Sayed Abdel Azim Al-Sharkawi