Suez University
Suez University receives pre-university students from Sinai.
Sun. 23 Jul, 2023

This morning, Suez University received a delegation of primary, preparatory, and high school students from Sinai. This is done under the auspices and coordination of the 3rd Army Field Commands. Prof. Dr. Al-Sharqawi, SU President, received the delegation and supervisory body Prof. Dr. Ali Hussein Atta, SU Vice-President for Education and Student Affairs, Prof. Dr. Said Hamid Abadi, SU Vice President for Community Service and Environment Development, “Students for Egypt” Community, and Directors of Student Care and Community Service Administration of the University.

At the beginning of the meeting, Prof. Dr. Said Abadi delivered a speech in which he welcomed the attendance congratulating everyone on the anniversary of the glorious July Revolution, explaining that this is not the first visit the university received a delegation from Sinai.

In his speech, Abadi stated that these visits are aimed at providing a sample of some of the efforts of the Egyptian State to secure the future of Egyptian children by providing a distinct level of education that qualifies students to bear the country's burdens. He also commended the efforts of the Third Army Field Commands and SU President to provide all possibilities for achieving the objectives of the visit.

Meanwhile, The Vice-President's speech was followed by a short recording film produced by the Suez University Media Center entitled "Study at Suez University", which reviewed some of the activities of the University distinguishing its academic programs and the impressions of the University students on the study at Suez University.

A group of Sinai students then presented an admired national singing performance, and the delegation later moved to visit the Faculty of Engineering where the delegation wandered at the Faculty's Laboratory and Workshops accompanied by Dr. Arabi Ibrahim, Coordinator of Student Activities at the Faculty of Engineering. Everyone listened to explanations about some labs. Some children asked a series of questions and inquiries that emphasized the awareness and keenness of these young people to know.

Furthermore, the visit moved to the water plant of the Faculty of Fisheries, where the attendees heard an explanation of the potential of labs and how to produce and manufacture fish by Prof. Dr. Azab Tahoun, Professor of Aquaculture in the faculty.

Accompanied by Prof. Dr. Said Abadi, the delegation moved to the headquarters of the medical complex where the young people wandered to the postponement of the medical and dental faculty and inspected the modern faculty labs, as well as the university hospital, which is one of the most important icons of the medical system in the university and will be a great addition to the health care system in the governorate.

In the end, the students expressed their great pleasure at this visit because they witnessed with their own eyes the enormous potential provided by the Egyptian State to build the minds of our young children; to be able to bear the burdens.