Suez University
Quoting the Egyptian Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research page…Extending of the submission for eligible skill tests for high school students until 3 August
Thu. 20 Jul, 2023

As part of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research's concern for the interests of students and compensation for official holidays during July, Dr. Ayman Ashour, the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, extended the submission period for the eligible skill tests for high school students who want to enroll in some faculties that are required to pass the eligible skill tests until Thursday, August 3.

Also, the Office for the Coordination of Admissions to Government Universities and Institutes announced that high school students who want to enroll in faculties are required to pass eligible skill tests from 15 to 27 July.

Furthermore, eligible skill tests are conducted in a number of faculties of a practical, requiring the student to have special skills and preparations to enable him or her to excel in this field. These faculties are: (faculties of Fine Arts (art major), faculties of Fine Arts (architecture major), faculties of applied arts, faculties of art education, faculties of musical education, faculties of specific education, departments (technical education, music education, educational theatre), faculties of sports education, divisions (art education and music education) at the faculty of education in Ismailia at the University of the Suez Canal and University of Education).

The Ministry calls on students to be quickly enrolled on the coordination website for eligible skill tests.