Suez University
Al Sharqawi continues his examination tours of the second semester examinations in the Faculties of Engineering and Media
Sun. 04 Jun, 2023

This morning, Prof. Dr. Al-Sayed Al-Sharkawi, SU President, inspected the various faculties of the university to follow up on the second semester examinations.

Al Sharqawi began his tour by visiting the Faculty of Engineering. They were met by Prof. Dr. Ashraf Henjil, Dean of the faculty, the undersecretaries of the faculty, and staff members. Al-Sharqawi inspected the faculty's various examination committees; Following all the possibilities available to students in order to achieve a suitable climate suited to students' smooth and unimpeded performance of their exams. He also pointed out a need to work continuously for the expeditious completion of correction work and to monitor grades and other controls work in preparation for the timely announcement of results.

He then moved to the Faculty of Media and Communication Technology, where he was met by Prof. Dr. Amin Said Abdel Ghani, Dean of the Faculty, undersecretaries of the faculty, and staff members; The President of the University inspects the smooth functioning of the faculty's examination process and the extent to which the examination papers conform to the standards of quality. He also stresses the need to provide all amenities for students and to work continuously by the controls; to announce the results in a timely manner.