Suez University
The SU Faculty of Engineering Team Wins First Place in DEBI Robotics Challenge
Thu. 11 May, 2023

he Suez University team, represented by students from the Faculties of Engineering and Computer and Information, achieved first place in the DEBI Robotics Challenge competition organized by the Egypt Digital Builders Initiative. It was conducted under the auspices of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology as well as Huawei International Company.

On this occasion, Prof. Dr. Al-Sayed Al-Sharkawi, the SU President, sent congratulation the students on the page of the University's Media Center. He congratulated them on this great achievement, which has honored Suez University. He wished them continuous success and progress.

As well, he explained that this is not the first time that the University's students have been able to achieve such achievements, which stems from the belief in the importance of encouraging students to participate in such events, which undoubtedly contribute to the discovery of talents and the acquisition of experiences.

Moreover, Prof. Dr. Ashraf Hanigel, the Dean of the Faculty, congratulated the winners; He explained that the team qualified among the top 16 teams after passing the first and second qualifiers in which 48 teams from various Egyptian universities participated. The team then continued its competition so that they were able to achieve the first place in this major competition, which delighted all the university's associated staff, especially since the team is made up of students from the SU faculties of engineering and computer and information.

The University's team names are:

- Ahmad Abdul Hamid Ibrahim... Student of Fourth Year - production mechanics.

- Abdullah Mohamed Mohamed... Student of third Year - power mechanics.

- Khaled Mohamed Mohamed... Student of third Year - power mechanics.

- Islam Mahmoud Al-Sayed.... Student of third Year - power mechanics.

- Mustafa Badr Gharib... Student of third Year - power mechanics.

- Mohammed Saleh Sayed... Student of third Year - power mechanics.

- Abdul Rahman Jalal Abdel Rahman...Student of First Year – power electric.

- Abdul Rahman Khaled Awad… Student of First Year- Faculty of Computer and Information.

The Egyptian Digital Builders Initiative competition mainly targets students of Engineering and Computer and Information faculties, and their equivalent, as well as graduates of these disciplines from recent graduates up to a maximum of five years.