Suez University
SU Faculty of Engineering Students took a Scientific Visit to the Aircraft Factory of the Arab Organization for Industrialization (AOI)
Tue. 02 May, 2023

Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Al-Sayed Abdel Azim Al-Sharkawi, SU President, and under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Ashraf Henijal, dean of the Faculty of Engineering, and under the coordination of Dr. Mohamed Aziz, the Faculty undersecretary for education and student affairs, and Dr. Araby Ibrahim, the activity coordinator at the SU Faculty of Engineering, the Faculty of Engineering organized a scientific visit to the Aircraft Factory of the Arab Organization for Industrialization.

About 30 students from the Mechanical Engineering Department of Production Engineering participated in the visit. They were accompanied by Dr. Reham Abbas, a staff member at the Department of Mechanical Engineering. The visit began with a comprehensive presentation of the factory's work and its history. Then, a tour was made at the factory's exhibition containing maquettes and Chassis for aircraft parts. After that, they visit the aircraft parts assembly workshops, stamp workshops, and multi-use CNC machines.

The SU President stated that the organization of such visits is of great importance to the practical information provided by these activities on the ground, which undoubtedly refined the student's skills and expertise, in preparation for producing the graduated student to the community in the form of an effective element with the practical skills and abilities to qualify him adequately to compete in the labor market. "Al-Sharqawi" also stated that the graduate can thus contribute strongly to the building of his personal future and that of Egypt as a whole.

For his part, the Dean of the faculty explained that it is not the first time that the faculty has organized visits of this kind to various major industrial entities in Egypt, since the faculty and the University are keen to provide all possibilities for students, especially in the actual production sites. It stems from the belief in the importance of providing the training hub for our students, to ensure that the capabilities and skills that undoubtedly have a great impact on the student's preparation.