Suez University
“Al-Sharkawi” participates in the National Dialogue Events entitled “Common Issues”
Wed. 03 May, 2023

This morning, Prof. Dr. Al-Sayed, the SU president, participated in the Discussion Sessions of National Dialogue, Cairo. This is conducted amid the wide and effective participation of the various presidents of Egyptian universities, political and syndicate union forces, civil society, experts, and public figures.

As well, “Al-Sharkawi” noted that representatives of all segments of Egyptian society are meeting at this major event at one table, within the State plan to move at a steady pace towards the new Republic led by His Excellency Mr. Abdelfattah El-Sisi, the President of the Republic. Al-Sharkawi also noted that the launching of the national dialogue debates marks the beginning of a new phase in the national dialogue entitled "Common Issues", to reach serious outputs serving Egypt and Egyptians.

Moreover, the SU President stressed that the national represents a step forward in the way towards the new Republic based on dialogue, pluralism, and openness at all levels. It means a rich dialogue on common ground that gives all voices the right to legitimately express their views. Furthermore, it is pushing for common issues for all forces to move forward with national plans for political, economic, and social reform and formulate visions of transit towards the new Republic and overcome all the challenges posed by successive geopolitical developments at the international and regional levels to the Egyptian State.