Suez University
Accompanied by Suez Governor, SU President performs Eid prayers at Badr Mosque in Portawfik
Fri. 21 Apr, 2023

In the presence of General Staff of War, Abdulmajid Saqr, Suez Governor, Major General Abdelrahman Haridi, Assistant Minister of the Interior, Director of Suez Security, and Security leadership at Suez Directorate of Security, Prof. Dr. Al-Sharqawi, SU President, performed Eid Al-Fitr Prayer at Port Tawfiq Mosque in Suez. He was accompanied by Ali Hussein Atta, SU Vice-President for Education and Students Affairs, several of the university's leaders, and Staff.

Dr. Abdullah Ramadan, Deputy Governor, also attended the Eid prayer as well as several members of the People's and Executive Leadership in the governorate. Sheikh Majid Radi, Under-Secretary of the Ministry of Waqfs in Suez, delivered the Friday sermon through which he tackled the idea of strengthening social ties among the public. This is urged by our precious Islam to spread the spirit of joy and happiness, remove any differences, and make sure to do favor for each other. Then, he congratulated everyone wishing them determination in performing night prayers, charity, and all other good deeds.

After the prayer, everyone exchanged congratulations on Happy Day, wishing Egypt and its people lasting joys, holidays, success, progress, and stability.