Suez University
Al-Sharkawy witnesses a protocol of cooperation signed with Islamic Research Academy of Al-Azhar Al-Sharif
Wed. 27 Apr, 2022

Today morning, Prof. Dr. Al-Sayed Al-Sharkawy witnessed a protocol of cooperation signed between and by Islamic Research Academy of Al-Azhar Al-Sharif, Secretariat Assistance for Advocacy (Daawa) and Religious Media - Suez Preaching Area. 

It was attended by Prof. Dr. Ali Hussain Atta, the SU vice-president for education and student affairs, Prof. Dr. Alaa Addin Younis, the undersecretary of the Faculty of Fish Resources, and Shaikh Majed Radi, the undersecretary of the Ministry of Awqaf in Suez. 

The protocol was signed by Dr. Mohamed Shosha, the secretary-general of the university, representing the university and Dr. Al-Saadany Showita, the director-general of the Suez Preaching district, chairman of the advisory committee, representing Al-Azhar. This protocol aims at putting an agreement frame between Al-Azhar and Suez University to cooperate in organizing, sponsoring, and presenting religious seminars and lectures that spreading the religious awareness and the moderate Islam within the university and among its students. The university facilitates all means for the speakers in this concern. 

Furthermore, Al-Sharkawi stated that Al-Azhar is a religious fortress and a global Islamic institution with a profound influence on Egyptian society and the Muslim world. It is a moderate symbol of the Islamic religion in Egypt and Islamic countries. Since Al-Azhar is a beacon for science, religious education, and awareness-raising in society and since Suez University role in serving society, developing the educational and religious awareness process, promoting the SU students’ educational path religiously and ethically, and SU interest of fruitful cooperation between Suez University and Al-Azhar, thus it was important for the two parties to sign this protocol that lets the university associates benefit from it and raises the awareness of the appropriate moderate Islamic religious.