Suez University
Launching the first student conference of the Faculty of Petroleum Engineering and Mining of Suez University under the auspices of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research
Tue. 14 Mar, 2023

Under the auspices of Dr. Ayman Ashour, the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, the SU Faculty of Petroleum Engineering and Mining organized the first student conference. This conference was conducted under the supervision of Dr. Al-Sayed Al-Sharkawi, the SU president.

The SU president stressed the importance of these events that develop students' research capabilities` Agenda for Sustainable Development 2030. He also noted that knowledge, innovation, and scientific research are among its most important objectives and fundamental pillars of development by investing in people, building their creativity, and stimulating innovation, disseminating his culture, supporting scientific research, and linking it to education and development. Moreover, he highlighted the National Strategy for Higher Education that was launched by Dr. Ayman Ashour, the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, which included seven main principles: (integration, interdisciplinary, communication, effective participation, sustainability, international reference, entrepreneurship, and innovation).

Furthermore, the Conference's activities included a number of panel discussions on topics related to petroleum, gas and mining, including: (Drilling horizontal wells using the Geo steering program - innovations in the electric arc furnace - overview of Egypt's natural gas industry and prospects - overview of the Turkey-Syria earthquake and seismic situation in Egypt - prospects for mining projects between the present and the future - oil sands in Egypt).

This conference is an opportunity for bachelor's and postgraduate students to share experiences and share their interests; Therefore, the organizing committee selected 100 scientific posters to display in the conference activities, including 60 posters for bachelor's students, 20 posters for graduate students, and 20 posters to showcase student innovations in the fields of petroleum, mining, climate, and the environment. A competition will be organized to select the top 3 participants in the presentation of scientific ideas and content through a specialized scientific committee.

On the margins of the Conference's activities, two science exhibitions were held (the first exhibition includes a presentation by students of the petroleum engineering and exploration engineering departments of some scientific experiments and models in a simplified manner, and the second exhibition during which the students of the Department of Metal Engineering and Materials simplify some scientific ideas and experiments relevant to the disciplines of the Department).

The Conference was attended by Dr. Ali Hussain Atta, the SU vice-president for education and student affairs, Dr. Abdel Atti Lashin, the SU vice-president for postgraduate studies and research affairs, Dr. Said Abbadi, the SU vice-president for community services and environment development affairs, Dr. Essam Ahmed Ali, the dean of the Faculty of Faculty of Petroleum Engineering and Mining and the head of the conference, and Dr. Rehab Al-Maghrabi, the coordinator of the conference.