Suez University
The 17th Educational Symposium of the Popular and Military Defense Forces at Suez University
Tue. 21 Jun, 2022

The 17th Educational Symposium of the Popular and Military Defense Forces at Suez University

This morning, the 17th Educational Symposium of the Popular and Military Defense Forces was held at Suez University. On his office, Prof. Dr. Al-Sayed Al-Sharkawi met General Staff of War/ Imad Ahmed Zaki, the Commander of the Popular and Military Defense Forces, and General Staff of War/ Ashraf Sharif, the director of the Association of Veterans and War Victims.
The ceremony began with recitation of the Holy Quran then showing screening of a documentary film about Suez University. This documentary film showed all the University's potential. After that came the speech of Prof. Dr. Al-Sayed Al-Sharkawi who praised the great role conducted by the Popular and Military Defense Forces as one of the most important sectors of the great armed forces. Moreover, “Al-Sharkawi” pointed out the importance of arguing thought with other thought as well as he reviewed the efforts of the university in organizing many events to enlighten the minds of university students.
The ceremony began with recitation of the Holy Quran then showing screening of a documentary film about Suez University. This documentary film showed all the University's potential. After that came the speech of Prof. Dr. Al-Sayed Al-Sharkawi who praised the great role conducted by the Popular and Military Defense Forces as one of the most important sectors of the great armed forces. Moreover, “Al-Sharkawi” pointed out the importance of arguing thought with other thought as well as he reviewed the efforts of the university in organizing many events to enlighten the minds of university students.
Adam Ashraf then presented a poetry performance and then a lecture entitled "Artificial Intelligence and its Impact on Egyptian National Security", by Prof. Dr. Ghada Amer, the under-secretary of the Faculty of Engineering at Banha University.
Hence, the university's acting team performed the play “A dream in the daylight”, and then the song “I am the son of Egypt” by the student Omar Mohammed, one of the special needs, which was admired by all the attendees.
This was followed by a concert by the University Coral, during which they performed a set of national songs with which the audience reacted positively.
Furthermore, General. Dr. Osama Al-Gamal gave a lecture entitled “Egypt's Priority and Place” in which he reviewed the meaning of Egypt's name, the value of this country, and the genius of Egypt's location. He pointed out that Egypt, like quicksand, tempts enemies, but those who impinge on it are doomed.
In addition, the speech of General Staff of War/ Ashraf Sharif, the director of the Association of Veterans, who reviewing the history of the association and its efforts in communicating with the families of martyrs and injured military operations and most recently communicating with civil society institutions, and the film Dream of the Martyr was screened produced by the Department of Morale Affairs of the Armed Forces. Then he showed a short documentary about the honorees at the seminar.
In his speech, General Staff of War/ Imad Ahmed Zaki, commander of the Popular and Military Defense Forces, conveyed the greetings of General Mohamed Zaki, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces. He expressed his happiness to be in the valiant city of Suez, which had witnessed so many landmark events in Egypt's history. As well, he stressed the need for Egypt's youth to be careful when they are dealing with social media because it is the source of many rumors. He then pointed out that today's symposium coincided with the celebration of Martyr's Day in March of each year. He concluded his statement with the best wishes for Suez University and its students for their advancement and excellence.
The ceremony ended by honoring the families of the martyrs and the university's members of disabled people then exchanging shields.