Suez University
“Be Motivational” seminar for the Students Community for Egypt at the Faculty of Engineering
Thu. 02 Mar, 2023

Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Al-Sayed Al-Sharkawi, the SU president, Prof. Dr. Ali Hussain Atta, the SU vice-president for education and student affairs, Prof. Dr. Ashraf Hanigel, the Dean of the SU Faculty of Engineering, Community Students for Egypt organized a seminar entitled “Be Motivational”, which focused on how to take advantage of the university level and develop the scientific abilities and personal skills of the student. It was attended by Dr. Ahmed Mohamed El-Desouky, the leader of the Students Community for Egypt at the University, Dr. Mohamed Aziz, the Undersecretary of Engineering for Education and Student Affairs, and Dr. Arabi Ibrahim Coordinator of Activities at the Faculty of Engineering.

The symposium was lectured by Dr. Mohamed Ismail, the Head of the Engineering Physics Group at Egypt University of Informatics and Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Zagaziq. During this, he addressed how to develop students' personal skills Soft Skills along with the attainment of science, and that the undergraduate stage is to build personality and gain many and many skills and abilities.

The symposium began with a speech by Dr. Mohammed Aziz welcomed the attendance and wished everyone the best of their ability at this seminar. Then, Ahmed Mohamed El-Desouky, a leader Student Community for Egypt at Suez University, welcomed the distinguished guest. He also addressed various activities organized by the community and urged students to participate in them. He also thanked the community of the Faculty of Engineering, the Dean of the faculty, its agent and coordinator of its student activities, as well as community students and the Union of the Faculty of Engineering for the great effort and good organization of the symposium.