Suez University
On the first days of the Coordination Office... SU President visits the University Coordination Office "Hnijal" talks with students, and emphasizes the importance of correcting misperceptions of top faculties in people
Mon. 12 Aug, 2024

This morning, the SU President took an inspection tour at the headquarters of the University's coordination office, where he was received by Prof. Dr. Ezzedine Husseini Jad, Acting SU Vice- President for Education and Students Affairs, Prof. Dr. Mohammed Al-Shahed, Director of the University Coordination Office.

During the tour, the SU President spoke with several students and parents, congratulating them on the success of the high school and wishing everyone continuous excellence and progress.

Moreover, he explained that work and diligence must continue in university life, which plays an important role in shaping the personality and future of students. He stressed that it is necessary to correct the misconception of top faculties. He also explained that the real summit is entrenched in the excellence in academic specialization chosen by the student regardless of any names of certain faculties or disciplines.

Furthermore, the SU President indicated that the Suez University Coordination Office is open daily at the Faculty of Media and Communication Technology from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. and has been provided with many specialists in the provision of technical and logistical support services to students with general secondary school so that they can register their wishes to attend various faculties.