Suez University
Al Sharqawi Participates in the Governorate Celebration of Al-Isra' and Al-Mi’raj’s anniversary.
Thu. 16 Feb, 2023

This evening, Prof. Dr. Al-Sharqawi, SU President, in the presence of General staff of war, Abdelmajid Saqr, Suez Governor, participated in the Suez Governorate commemoration of the anniversary of Al-Isra' and Al-Mi’raj, held at Badr Mosque in Portawfiq. It was attended by Major General Walid Nassar, representing the Commander of the Third Army Field, Major General Mohammed saffar, Deputy Director of Suez Security as a representative of Major General Director of Security, Dr.  Abdullah Ramadan, Deputy Governor, several popular and executive leadership of the governorate, and a large number of residents.

The ceremony began with a recitation of the Holy Quran, and then the Imam of the Mosque delivered a sermon about the purpose of the journey of Al-Isra, Al-Ma 'araj, the lessons learned, and the merits of this blessed night. The ceremony was concluded with some Islamic invocations and anthems that were praised by everyone.

At the end, and after Al-Ishaa Prayer, all the attendance exchanged congratulations on this precious anniversary.