Suez University
The SU Faculty of Medicine organizes a medical convoy to Arab Al-Maamal Region in cooperation with Hayat Karima Organization.
Mon. 26 Dec, 2022

Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Al-Sharqawi, SU President, Suez University organized a major medical convoy to the Arab Al-Maamal region in Suez. It was under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Said Hamid Abadi, the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine. Coordinators Prof. Dr. Nermin Nasser, the Faculty Undersecretary for Community Service and Environmental Development, and in cooperation with the cooperation with Hayat Karima organization.

The Arab Al-Maamal Youth Center at Etaqa District hosted the convoy, which included several medical specialists like Obstetrician & Gynecologists, Internists, ENT Specialists, Dermatologists, chiropractors, and Ophthalmologists. In addition to the participation of the Fund for the Prevention and Treatment of Addiction, whose members organized awareness-raising sessions on the risks of addiction and drugs to health and society, as well as awareness-raising sessions from the population unit in Suez governorate entitled "Solidarity and Dignity, the new Republic", Hayat Karima Initiative, Climate Change and its Impact on Maternal and Child Health.

Prof. Dr. Al-Sharqawi, SU President, said that the convoy was one of the University's various activities aimed at serving the surrounding community. He also noted that such activities were one of the University's most important priorities, which played an important role in investing in the potential of its staff to serve the surrounding environment in various fields.