Suez University
Quoting the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research page, "Together" Competition for students of universities and institutes to produce short videos to raise awareness.
Mon. 12 Dec, 2022

Considering the confrontation of anomalous ideas which are incompatible with tolerant religious beliefs, and the Egyptian people's inherent cultural and societal legacies.

The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research announces the launch of a competition under the auspices of Dr. Ayman Ashour, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, to produce a short video, of no more than one minute's duration to help in facing these destructive ideas.

The competition is part of the Ministry's great interest in building young people's sound personalities, deepening their spirit of loyalty and belonging, fortifying them against uneven and destructive ideas, and creating a generation capable of developing and creating.

The submitted work of art is required to focus on one of the following themes (the dissemination of a culture of tolerance and coexistence, social peace within society, the strengthening of the values of citizenship, the enshrinement of the principles of centrism and moderation, the fight against extremism and takfiri ideology).

Joining the competition is through the competition website. To access the site, click here.

This is from 11 to 21 of this December.

A specialized committee will be formed to evaluate competing works by the Leaders Preparation Institute. the winning students will be honored at the International Book Fair in its next session.