Suez University
Suez university participates in the 4th Coordination Forum of Units Elimination of Violence Against Women
Thu. 01 Dec, 2022

Under the auspices and guidance of Prof. Dr. Al-Sayed Al-Sharkawi, the SU President, in cooperation between the National Council for Women and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), with the support of the Korea International Cooperation Agency (Koica) and the Embassy of Norway, with the participation of 29 Egyptian universities against violence, in the presence of a group of vice-presidents and directors of units Elimination of Violence Against Women in Egyptian universities. The annual forum of units Elimination of Violence Against Women was held at Egyptian universities.

Furthermore, Suez University participated in the meeting effectively where Prof. Dr. Musaad Abu Al-Diyar, the Director of the Elimination Violence against Women Unit at the University, presented a brief workshop on the definition of the Unit, its objectives, upbringing, most important achievements, as well as expectations for in the coming periods, as noted by the Unit "Abu Al-Diyar" to the extent of Suez University's interest in women's issues and its participation and representation in the career and community field within the University, as well as the achievement of Suez University in initiative “Mawada” to preserve the Egyptian family entity in cooperation with the Ministry of Social Solidarity over the course of more than one season, where it was the highest achieving university with participation and representation ratios. Emphasizing the continuing support of the SU President for the work of the Unit by providing and facilitating its functions.