Suez University
Celebration of the distribution of laptops to the university students with visual impairment
Tue. 29 Nov, 2022


Suez University held a ceremony under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Nevin Al-Kabaj, Minister of Social Solidarity, Prof. Dr. Al-Sharqawi, SU President, for the distribution of laptops and awards to the university's outstanding students. It was within the unlimited support of the Egyptian President to support equal educational opportunities and the inclusion of the most-favored students at various educational levels by alleviating their burden. It was according to the guidance of Prof. Dr. Mohammed Ayman Ashour, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, the follow-up by activating this through universities, and under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Al- Sharqawi, Prof. Dr. Ali Hussein Atta SU Vice-President for Education and Students, Dr. Salah Ahmed Hashim, Adviser to the Ministry of Social Solidarity. It was attended by Mr. Sayed Rajab, General Manager of Orman Charity, deans of university faculties, faculty staff, and students.

Hence, the ceremony began with the word of Prof. Dr. Al-Sharqawi, SU President, welcoming the attendance and appreciating the efforts of the Ministry of Social Solidarity in caring for students, especially those disabled students, as well as those with high levels of support and encouragement to continue the journey of progress and success.

During the ceremony, Prof. Dr. Al-Sharqawi distributed laptops to the University's blind students with a Braille-speaking Widows program, monthly rewards were awarded to the outstanding students from various faculties to encourage them to continue success and progress.