Suez University
Inauguration of the elections of the Students' Union at the Second Student Conference of Students' Community for Egypt at Suez University
Thu. 24 Nov, 2022

This morning, Prof. Dr. Al-Sharqawi, SU President, Inaugurated the second Student Conference of the Students for Egypt community, which is held on the margins of the launch of the marathon of the University's student federations elections in accordance with the timetable provided by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, in the presence of Prof. Dr. Ali Hussein Atta SU Vice President for Education and Student Affairs, Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Al-Dsouqi, pioneer of the community of students for Egypt, Dr. Mohammed Shusha, the SU Secretary-General, and gentlemen of the University's student care officials.

The conference began with the national anthem then Dr. Ahmed Al-Dasouki, delivered a speech through which he mentioned the achievements of the community of students for Egypt in various student activities, and explained that taking care of student activity is one of the priorities of university life to acquire various skills. He praised the great support received by the student activities system from the university administration represented by the SU President, his Vice, and the gentlemen involved in student care at the university.

Meanwhile, the events of the student union elections at Suez University were launched by the word of Prof. Dr. Al-Sharqawi, SU President, in his speech through which he appealed to students to participate in this event whether by nominating or voting to choose their representatives in the Students' Union in a transparent manner. He also stressed that the university administration provides all means to ensure the freedom and fairness of these elections by standing at one distance from all so that the opinion and choices of students can be made. The Egyptian State in its entirety stresses the need to provide such transparency to our students. The SU president as well explained that the Students' Union elections is a rich scaled-down version of political life at a larger level. Then he stated that those elections emphasized the spirit of loyalty and belonging to the University, which inevitably reflected the spirit of belonging to the homeland.

At the end, The SU President accompanied by the SU Vice-President for Education and Student Affairs, undertook inspection visits to some faculties to follow up that the students who wish to run for the membership of various faculties’ committees had the nomination form. He emphasized the need for everyone to participate positively in this democratic experience by selecting the best elements representing students and the university.