Suez University
SU President announces that Suez University leaps 359 international centers in its July edition of the Spanish Webometrics classification for 2024
Fri. 12 Jul, 2024

Prof. Dr. Ashraf Hnijal, the SU President, announced that the university achieved an advanced ranking among the world's universities according to the Spanish Webometrics ranking of higher education institutions in its July 2024 edition. The university lept 359 positions and ranked 4306 of 31 thousand higher education institutions worldwide, compared to the 4665 positions of the same ranking in January for the same year 2024.
Hnijal added that according to this classification, the university has advanced at the level of Egyptian universities 6 centers from last January to jump the ranking of the university at the level of Egyptian universities to 36. Webometrics is an initiative of Cybermetrics Lab. It is affiliated with CSIC which is one of Spain's most important research bodies.
The SU President said that this achievement was due to the growing interest of the University administration in scientific research and the encouragement of its scientists to publish international science as one of the key factors in improving the University's position in various international classifications under the directives of His Excellency President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi of the Republic to advance the Egyptian universities in international rankings. He also appreciated the role of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research under the leadership of Dr. Mohamed Ayman Ashour, the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research in providing technical support to Egyptian universities to contribute to their progress in international rankings.

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