Suez University
SU President congratulates His Excellency the President of the Republic on the anniversary on the anniversary of the 30 June Revolution
Sat. 29 Jun, 2024

Prof. Dr. Ashraf Hnijal, the SU President, sincerely congratulated His Excellency President Abdelfattah El-Sisi, the President of the Republic, and Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, on the anniversary of the June 30 glorious revolution. The SU President stressed that it was a revolution to correct the path in which our great army sided with the will of Egyptians, who refused only to live in the country of their own free will to begin the story of the construction of the Egyptian State and the new Republic, which is witnessing unprecedented achievements in Egypt's history by the leader.

The SU President also thanked the heroic men of the armed forces and the courageous police, who every day provide the finest examples of patriotism and sacrifice for their freedom.

May Allah save Egypt and its people, president, army, and police officers from all distress and evil progress towards Egypt's bright future in the new republic will continue.

Dr/ Ashraf Mohamed Hnijal

The SU President