Suez University
Opening of World Ocean Day at Suez University
Tue. 25 Jun, 2024

This morning, Prof. Dr. Ashraf Hnijal, the SU President, opened the World Ocean Day events. The SU Faculty of Fish Resources organized it in cooperation with the National Institute of Marine and Fisheries Sciences, and the International Oceanic Institute. Prof. Dr. Adel Abdelmajid, the President of the National Institute of Marine and Fisheries Sciences, and Prof. Dr. Lamia Mohamadeen, the Director of the International Ocean Institute, attended the events. The opening events were also attended by SU Vice-Presidents, Deans of Faculties, Members of the Board of Directors of the National Institute of Marine and Fisheries Sciences, a group of environmental and marine science professionals, students of the Faculty of Fish Resources, and relevant and related faculties. 

Moreover, the events of the ceremony began with the playing of the national anthem. Then, the SU President welcomed the attendance expressing his pleasure at this event, which is the first fruit of the cooperation protocol signed between the University and the Institute to maximize the areas of cooperation between the two sides. He also noted that the mission of Suez University seeks to provide a fertile educational environment with the ability to teach, learn, and keep abreast of technological developments and future challenges in scientific research; To develop Egyptian society, the participation of various academic institutions to meet the needs and satisfaction of human beings, and the participation in the construction of a high civilization of Egypt's precious civilization. 

Furthermore, Hnijal stressed that this and many other events and activities of Suez University derive from the unprecedented interest of His Excellency President Abdelfattah El-Sisi in education and scientific research. His Excellency asserted more than once and, on several occasions, his great confidence in the minds and abilities of members of the academic community of researchers, this is in the belief of the Egyptian state that scientific research is a lifesaver and the ideal means for the progress of any society. 

The SU President also noted that the hubs of the National Strategy for Higher Education and Scientific Research, launched by Prof. Dr. Mohamed Ayman Ashour, the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, to achieve the comprehensive plan of the State "Egypt 2030". This aims to achieve a comprehensive vision for Egypt in various areas of development. It also encourages events that achieve the axes of this ambitious strategy such as "Integration - interdisciplinary - Communication". 

The SU President noted that today's meeting is not just an ordinary commemoration of World Ocean Day, but a sober scientific symposium, underpinning a constellation of specialists to present the modern, new, and scientifically documented impact of climate changes on the marine environment. 

His Excellency explained that the marine environment throughout history is one of the most important ingredients of human economic development continents, as well as its important role in providing lunch sources to humans as well as a source of various wealth that countries are racing to seize. So, Suez University has previously played a role in the issue of blue economy fisheries, where an international conference on blue economics and related challenges was organized in 2019 at the Faculty of Fish Resources. 

Then, the SU President pointed out that the frequent reports of the United Nations Organization confirming that the world's climate changes have been taking place over the past century; Mainly due to human activities in dealing with this environment. Changes in the marine environment resulting from the effects of climate change also occur in a marine environment that is already stressed by its direct and indirect man-made causes, associated with overfishing and improper fishing practices, coastal exploitation, deposition, land-based sources of pollution, and marine pollution. All these factors combine to put great pressure on the oceans' seas, with great value to humanity. 

In addition, Hnijal explained that on this scientific day, we seek to provide the knowledge and perceptions of all the teaching staff members and students with the news within this framework, stressing the value of such events in the development of the knowledge and cultural structure of the various University associated staff. 

Then, Prof. Dr. Adel Ali Abdelmajid, the President of the National Institute of Marine and Fisheries Sciences, expressed his pleasure in organizing the World Ocean Day at the SU Faculty of Fish Resources. He noted that the cooperation protocol signed with the University some days ago had begun to pay off, with the event marking World Ocean Day. 

The "President of the Institute" noted that the Institute has been a long-standing research institution since 1918 and has several branches in various cities of the Republic. Therefore, he noted that the Institute carries out scientific tasks including solid marine growth studies, seismic risk assessment, hydrographic studies, environmental impact assessment, opinion polls, and environmental auditing.  

At the end of his speech, Abdelmadjid thanked the SU President and the Faculty of Fish Resources for hosting this important event. 

After that, Prof. Dr. Lamia Mohamadeen, the Director of the International Ocean Institute "IOI", explained that the International Oceanic Institute (IOI) had been established in 1972 and its headquarters, "IOI", at the University of Malta. She also noted that it was an independent, international, non-governmental, and non-profit organization conducting worldwide training and capacity-building in ocean management. IOI aims to build capacity by training young mid-career practitioners in contemporary coastal and ocean management methods, focusing on ethical and legal values in ocean management. 

At the end of the opening session, Prof. Dr. Lamia Mohamadeen gave the shield of the International Ocean Institute "IOI" to Prof. Dr. Ashraf Hnijal, the SU President, as well as Prof. Dr. Adel Abdul Majeed. Then, the SU President gave the University Shield to the President of the National Institute of Marine and Fisheries Sciences and the Director of the International Oceanic Institute. 

Today's events span several scientific sessions on the topics of climate change and its impact on fisheries, climate change, and the dynamics of coastal areas, as well as the topics of climate change and the blue economy.