Suez University
SU President witnesses signing of Cooperation Protocol with Suez Institute for Management Information Systems
Tue. 11 Jun, 2024

Prof. Dr. Ashraf Hnijal, the SU President, witnessed the signing of a protocol of cooperation between the University and the Suez Institute for Management Information Systems, where the Institute was signed by Prof. Dr. Mohamed Hilal Kamel, the Dean of the Institute, and for the University, Dr. Mohamed Ismail Fathallah, the Director of the Quality Management Unit of the University.

The SU President stated that this protocol is based on the University's role in providing an appropriate intellectual, cultural, and cognitive role in all fields. For that, the university mobilizes its full human and material potential to achieve this vision.  

Hnijal also explained that this Protocol aims to achieve several objectives including the exchange of experiences in academic and educational fields, in particular the exchange of teaching staff and academic courses, as well as cooperation between the parties in the field of quality and work on the creation of mechanisms. This is to achieve cooperation to achieve the highest performance and quality rates. Hence, the accreditation of the National Commission for Quality and Accreditation.

Moreover, the SU President noted that the Protocol included the possibility of practical training and members of a teaching body in both parties' labs throughout the year, as well as cooperation in the field of various student activities; The tools and potential of these activities contribute greatly to building the personality of our students.

The signing ceremony of the Institute was attended by Ms. Frial Zaki, the Chairman of the Board of Directors and President of the Young Muslim Women's Association the owner of the Institute, Major General/ Abdelaziz Maamoun, a member of the Board of Directors.