Suez University
SU President inspects the examinations of the Faculty of Media and Communication Technology
Tue. 11 Jun, 2024

The SU Media Page followed the tour of Prof. Dr. Ashraf Hnijal, the SU President. This tour was of the Faculty of Media and Communication and Technology. He was met by Prof. Dr. Ameen Said Abd El-Ghany, the dean of the faculty, vices dean, and teaching staff members.

During the SU President's tour of the second-semester examination committees of the faculty, there was talk between his sovereignty and some students, where Hnijal heard their views on some subjects related to the examinations in terms of their level of difficulty and suitability, wishing everyone success.

Then, Hnijal went through the Faculty Quality Unit and inspected some files in the Unit. Moreover, he followed all the developments and obstacles that may face some files and stressed his sovereignty over the need to complete all the required files immediately.

The cameras also monitored the SU President`s emphasis on providing the faculty with all the material and human potential to help optimize the exam process. He stressed the need for everyone from the faculty Administration to work continuously to complete the announcement of the results on time.