Suez University
Faculty of Engineering welcomes SU President to follow second-semester exams
Thu. 06 Jun, 2024

As part of his inspection tours of the second-semester examinations, Prof. Dr. Ashraf Hnijal, the SU President, today honored a visit to the Faculty of Engineering where the second-semester examinations are held. Prof. Dr. Mohamed Aziz, the Acting Dean of the Faculty, Vice-Deans of the Faculty, teaching staff members, and employees of the faculty, welcomed him.

Furthermore, the SU President toured the faculty exam committees following all the procedures and measures taken by the also stressed the importance of universal adherence to all examination rules in terms of both students and the chairpersons and observers of committees.

Hanegal saw some examination papers to ensure that they conformed to quality standards, knowing students' opinions and views on the difficulty of examinations. He also stressed his wishes for the future of engineers to reconcile under their major tasks to participate in the construction of the new republic and to compete strongly in the labor market.