Suez University
SU President inaugurates the third annual conference of the Faculty of Medicine
Thu. 30 May, 2024

At noon today, the third annual conference of the Faculty of Medicine was inaugurated under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Ashraf Hnjal, SU President, and the supervision of Prof. Dr. Said Hamid Abadi SU Vice- President for Community Service and Environment Development and Supervisor of the faculty. It was headed by Prof. Dr. Abbas Orabi, and Dr. Tayseer Metwally, the Rapporteur of the Conference.

Prof. Dr. Said Abadi welcomed the SU President and the guests of the Conference, noting the constant interest in organizing this Conference at its third edition, reflecting the importance of such events in refining skills and capabilities, and developing and exchanging academic and applied experiences.

In his speech, the SU President welcomed the attendance from various universities, stressing his continued support for such events as they provide serious opportunities and effective impact in raising the competence of doctors and teaching staff, which is positively reflected in the level of health care for citizens.

Moreover, he noted that scientific conferences and their conclusions and recommendations are considered because of their significant scientific value as it is the product of the exchange of ideas and research of a constellation of highly qualified professionals. He also pointed to the importance of partnerships with local medical institutions and scientific research, which contributed to raising medical education and training.

Furthermore, Hnijal addressed the challenges faced by the faculty at its start and how to overcome them thanks to the efforts of professors and students, praising the achievements of the faculty over the past years such as the premier research project. He then stressed the need for the faculty's commitment to continue to develop and improve the graduation of qualified doctors capable of meeting future health challenges.