Suez University
SU President inaugurates the 2nd Student Conference of the Faculty of Medicine Hnijal: Doctor
Mon. 27 May, 2024

This morning, Prof. Dr. Ashraf Hnijal, the SU President, inaugurated the events of the Second Student Conference of the Faculty of Medicine. It was conducted under the auspices of the SU President and supervised by Prof. Dr. Said Hamid Abadi SU Vice President for Community Service and Environment Development Affairs and supervisor of the Faculty of Medicine. It was attended by SU Vice Presidents, deans of faculties, teaching staff members, and students as well as the participation of students from other universities.

The opening events began with the national anthem. Then, Prof. Dr. Said Abadi delivered a speech through which he thanked the SU President for his continued support. He stressed that these events enable students to refine their research skills, which is reflected positively in the institution to which they belong.

Moreover, the SU Vice-President also noted the remarkable progress concerning the University's ranking, where over the past months it has been able to catch up with several global classifications, reflecting the development of the University.

Meanwhile, Prof. Dr. Ashraf Hnijal, the SU President, delivered a speech in which he expressed his pleasure to be present at the Second Student Conference of the SU Faculty of Medicine, which was established giant to serve the University community, to be a strong competitor amidst various medical faculties in Egypt.

Furthermore, the SU President emphasized that although the history of the establishment of the faculty is relatively recent, it is not an obstacle to the quality of its graduates. It is achieved thanks to the insistence seen in the eyes of students, the activeness touched in the professors, and what is known well about the potential of the faculty to contribute to the graduation of competent doctors capable of performing the Doctor's holy message.

Then, Hnijal stressed that the interest of the political leadership in promoting scientific research reflects the awareness of the significant role it plays in the progress of nations. He also noted the Permanent assurances of His Excellency President Abdelfattah El-Sisi of the President of the Republic of Egypt on his confidence in the minds of the Egyptians to provide creative ideas that contribute greatly to solving the various problems of society and can overcome the various challenges. He stressed that this confidence in the potential of Egypt's youth places a great responsibility on the academic community to provide all possibilities to upgrade the level of scientific research and its researchers.

The SU President also pointed to the National Strategy for Higher Education and Scientific Research launched by His Excellency Prof. Dr. Mohamed Ayman, the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research. The strategy included seven axes, including:

- Active participation: based on the participation of university hospitals in the service of citizens and society.

- Entrepreneurship and innovation: it is concerned with providing human and material resources to support these innovations.

These axes are related to this Conference.

In addition, Hnijal stressed that scientific research coincides with the field of exact medical work. The development in the medical field has evolved instantaneously, quickly, and sequentially, like the heartbeat. He stressed that the SU teaching staff members are sure that students will be as responsible as possible so that we can all upgrade our university.

After that, the SU President noted the University's continuous progress in various global classifications which depends on the quantity and quality of scientific research the university's researchers conduct. This student conference is a starting point for further scientific research that will have a great impact on Egypt's future. He emphasized that the medical profession is one of the holiest humanitarian professions.

Therefore, the SU President addressed his recent visit to some Austrian universities, stressing that the academic level of Egyptian institutions is very advanced, and ensures the future of our students.

Subsequently, the Conference Shield was given to Dr. Yusra Saeed, the rapporteur of the Conference, in recognition of her efforts in preparing the Conference. The Conference Shield was also given to Major General Dr. Amr Izzat, the representative of the sponsoring company, as well as a Conference Shield was given to Dr. Said Abadi, who gave a Conference Shield to the SU President.