Suez University
Minister of Higher Education chairs the meeting of the Supreme Council of Universities at Kafr El Sheikh University SU President attends the Supreme Council of Universities
Sat. 25 May, 2024

(Quoting the official page of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research)

The Minister of Higher Education directs to:

- Readiness of universities for the second-semester exams for the current university year.

- The presence of teaching staff members in universities to ensure the successful conduct of examinations.

- Universities focus on socially rewarding scientific research.

Minister of Higher Education comments:

- Inclusion of 28 Egyptian universities in the Times' world ranking of emerging universities for 2024.

- Inclusion of 20 Egyptian universities in the ranking (CWUR) 2024.

The Supreme Council of Universities held its periodic meeting. On Saturday, the meeting was chaired by Dr. Ayman Ashour, the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research. Dr. Mustafa Rafat, the Secretary of the Council, and members of the Council at the Kafr Sheikh University, attended this meeting.

Moreover, the Council thanked the community of Kafr Sheikh University under the chairmanship of Dr. Abdel Razek Desouki, the President of the University, for hosting the meeting of the Supreme Council of Universities.

In addition, the Minister of Higher Education stressed the need for universities and institutes to prepare for the examinations of the second semester of the current university year. He also stressed the need for the presence of staff members and associated staff of universities; To ensure discipline and successful conduct of examinations.

Furthermore, the Minister stressed the need for universities to focus on scientific research and ideas that can be transformed into viable innovations and products that have an economic return on society as well as linking the research product to the industry and guiding scientific research to serve the community. The Minister also said the university should focus on addressing challenges to economic growth, supporting the industry community and the national economy promoting scientific and research cooperation between universities, industry, business, and productive institutions, and harnessing the potential of academic and scientific institutions; To serve all the development needs facing geographical regions throughout the Republic.

Therefore, the Minister addressed the importance of activating the role of the regional alliances signed between academic, productive, and industrial institutions, implementing the regional alliances plan to support scientific research of industry and the national economy, addressing the challenges facing the various geographical regions of the Republic, and supporting the transformation of educational institutions into innovative institutions that contribute to attracting distinguished scientific cadres. This is in the implementation of the presidential initiative "Alliance and Development", which is supported and auspices of President Abdelfattah El-Sisi of the Republic, and in line with the achievement of the objectives of the National Strategy for Higher Education and Scientific Research.

The Minister also praised the efforts of universities in developing students' awareness through the organization of educational and awareness seminars and the organization of student trips for national projects, so that students will learn about the scale of projects implemented throughout the Republic, as well as the development of student loyalty and affiliation.

As well, the Minister appreciated the inclusion of 28 Egyptian universities in the Times' world ranking of emerging universities under 50 years old according to its 2024 edition, out of a total of 1,171 universities worldwide. The Minister also commended the inclusion of 20 Egyptian universities in the top 2,000 universities worldwide according to the CWUR ranking for 2024. The Minister pointed out that universities should continue to support researchers to increase scientific publishing in prestigious international scientific journals; To upgrade the rankings of Egyptian universities in the world's largest rankings.

The Council listened to a report on the most prominent activities of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in May. It was presented by the meeting of President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi of the Republic with the Board of Trustees of the Library of Alexandria, which includes a selection of prominent Egyptian and international figures.

Dr. Mostafa Madbouly, the Prime Minister of the Council of Ministers. Hence, he welcomed the delegations of UNESCO and UNICEF to review cooperation in the field of education, academics, and research. The pioneering experience of the Egyptian Knowledge Bank was also reviewed by various researchers and students.

Dr. Mostafa Madbouly, the Prime Minister of the, held a meeting to follow up on the situation of projects being implemented within the framework of the development of the site of the Great Manifestation of St. Catherine City, in the presence of several ministers and stakeholders. The latest updates on the various projects being implemented and the timelines for the completion of the remaining work on these projects.

On one hand, the visit of the United Kingdom's Minister of Higher Education was also reviewed; To participate in the events of the World Education Forum attended by 122 education ministers from different countries of the world, and during the visit, Dr. Ayman Ashour held a meeting with elite Egyptian scientists and professors distinguished at various top-ranked British universities. On the other hand, he also met with the Secretary of State for Education of the United Kingdom, the British Government's Representative for Education, the delegation of the University of Exeter, the University of Essex, the University of Bath, the British University of Plymouth and the Scottish University of Glasgow. In addition, meetings were held with Saudi and Iraqi Ministers of Higher Education and Scientific Research; To discuss and strengthen cooperation between Egyptian universities and their British, Saudi, and Iraqi counterparts, exchange experiences, hold international and regional partnerships, and sign cooperation agreements and protocols in various areas of mutual interest, in addition to presenting the Ministry of Higher Education's vision of transboundary education and growing interest. It also reviewed the progress and growth in Egypt's higher education and scientific research sector in all trends in recent years.

The Minister also welcomed delegations from 20 UNESCO States; To convey Egypt's pioneering experience of the Egyptian Knowledge Bank, 4 interactive and discussion sessions were organized to benefit from the Egyptian experience of the Egyptian Knowledge Bank and disseminated to the other member states of the organization.

The Minister met with the Director of the British Council and discussed Egypt's access to a regional center for transboundary education in the Middle East, attracting students to study at Egyptian universities, increasing academic and scientific cooperation and exchanging visits with UK institutions, offering scholarships to students and researchers, and supporting leadership capacity-building.

Dr. Ayman Ashour also met with the Ambassador of the United Arab Emirates and the delegation of the University of Sharjah; To explore the establishment of a branch of the University of Sharjah within the Arab Republic of Egypt, to provide outstanding educational opportunities for Egyptian students and expatriates, and to enrich the Egyptian university landscape with innovative scientific disciplines that meet the requirements of the regional and international labor market.

The Minister visited the Suwaidi University of Technology, where his sovereignty inspected the University's buildings and facilities from the construction, technical equipment, and laboratories, to check the University's equipment to provide a distinguished learning experience for students.

In addition, Dr. Ayman Ashour witnessed the conclusion of the first Technology Hackathon organized on the 6th of October at Technological University. The Minister inspected the exhibition comprising students' products and innovations. He listened to detailed explanations about the innovations and projects of distinguished students. He commended the innovations made by students in various fields, especially as they keep pace with the latest technological systems; To be competitive in the local market.

The report reviewed the approval by the Council of Ministers of a bill establishing the "National Council for Education, Research and Innovation", which follows the President of the Republic, and presents the results and recommendations of its work every 6 months to the President of the Republic. The Council aims to formulate, integrate, and oversee the implementation of public education policies of all kinds, all stages, to promote education and develop its outputs in line with the requirements of the domestic and international labor market. It also aims to formulate general policies for research and innovation.

The report noted that many events and meetings had been held with foreign ambassadors and officials; To explore mechanisms to promote joint scientific and research cooperation.

As part of Sadat City University's intention to establish the Faculty of Medicine and complement the faculties of the medical sector within Sadat City University because of its positive impact on the community of Sadat City and surrounding centers and villages, the Council witnessed the signing of cooperation protocols between Sadat City University and universities (Kafr Elsheikh, Mansoura, Manufiyah, Tanta and Penha), to cooperate in training and continuing medical education for students of the Faculty of Human Medicine, the Faculty of Nursing and all other medical faculties of university hospitals, and to implement training programs for students.

Dr. Adel Abdelgfar, the Media Adviser and Spokesperson of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research stated that the Council had followed the efforts of the Committee established under the chairmanship of Dr. Qandil, the President of Helwan University. This is to set the general framework for the competition of the cartoon personality "Egypt Innovation" for the second season of 2024; To develop and support the child content industry through animation and children's programs.

The spokesperson added that the Council listened to a presentation by Dr. Sharif Kashak, the Assistant Minister for Smart Governance, on linking different statistical data programs to monitor data of public universities through existing electronic platforms of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the Secretariat of the Supreme Council of Universities, to integrate and standardize the source of data.

The Board approved the restructuring of the Higher Committee to supervise the capacity tests to monitor and follow up the work of the capacity examinations in the faculties requiring admission to pass the capacity tests for the university year 2024/2025. It was conducted under the chairmanship of Dr. Kandil, the President of Helwan University.

General Directorate of Information and Spokesperson of the Ministry