Suez University
SU President announces: For the first time the university entered the British Thames ranking of emerging universities
Tue. 14 May, 2024

Prof. Dr. Ashraf Hnijal, the SU President, announced University Entry Thames British Times Higher Education THE ranking for Emerging Universities. Hnijal explained that this classification includes universities as young as 50 years old and shows remarkable progress in research and education in a relatively short period. This reflects the University of Suez's ongoing efforts to develop and improve in these fields.

On this occasion, the SU President thanked all the University's staff for their efforts in developing and increasing the amount how scientific research published internationally annually. Then, he congratulated everyone on this outstanding achievement, wishing everyone continuous success and progress.

This ranking contributes to increasing international awareness about the University and its ability to achieve academic excellence. This ranking also drew attention to modern universities.