Suez University
• Celebrating the conclusion of student activities at the Faculty of Arts • "Hnijal" announces: Suez University enters Times higher education classification
Mon. 13 May, 2024

This noon, Prof. Dr. Ashraf Hnijal, the SU President, inaugurated the First Student Activities Conference of the Faculty of Arts, entitled "Integration of the Humanities and its Role in the Development of Society (student vision)". It was held under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Ashraf Hnijal, the SU President, and in the presence of SU Vice-Presidents, Prof. Dr. Mohamed Mazen Jalal, Dean of the Faculty of Arts, deans of several faculties, teaching staff members, and faculty students.

At the beginning of the ceremony, The Dean of the Faculty of Arts welcomed the attendance appreciating the honor of the "SU President" attendance at the ceremony, which gave the event great value.

Then, a welcome speech was introduced in Arabic, English, French, and Chinese, which impressed attendees.

After that, the SU President delivered a speech expressing his pleasure of being at the Faculty of Arts. He stressed the importance of humanities in advancing society. He noted the role played by graduates of the Faculties of Arts and the importance of developing capabilities and skills, and not being limited to academic study.

During his speech, Hnijal announced the entry of Suez University into the classification of Times higher education for the first time, reflecting the University's progress in various sectors, particularly scientific research.

Hnijal also announced two awards to be organized: the Best Student Activity Award at the University, and the Best Research in the Humanities, to encourage researchers in this field to exert their best.

In addition, Hnijal referred to the great boom in Egypt over the past years under the leadership of Egyptian President Abdelfattah El-Sisi in the field of higher education and scientific research, both at the level of the universities number and at the level of the development of academic programs. This reflects positively on Egypt's youth, stressing that it is certain that the potential, capabilities, and perseverance of Egypt's youth are much better than in other countries.