Suez University
SU President inaugurates the 2nd Student Conference of the Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering
Sun. 12 May, 2024

This morning, Prof. Dr. Ashraf Hnijal, the SU President, inaugurated the Second Student Conference of the Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, it was held under the auspices of the SU President and the presence of the SU Vice-Presidents, Deans of Faculties, and Teaching Staff Members.

The opening ceremony began with the national anthem. In his opening speech, the SU President emphasized the provision of all opportunities and possibilities for faculty students to depart from the stereotypical form of education and keep abreast of labor market developments. He also explained that these generations are fortunate to receive unprecedented interest and care from the political leadership and the University to create a conscious and educated generation that can meet all challenges and align with life's development.

Moreover, the SU President noted that during his recent trip to the State of Malaysia to attend the International Conference on Contemporary Education in the Islamic World, he signed several protocols and memorandums of understanding aimed at providing greater opportunities for the exchange of experiences between university students and Malaysian universities.

Meanwhile, Prof. Dr. Essam Ahmed, Dean of the Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering and the President of the Conference, in his speech, welcomed the attendance. He expressed his pleasure at hosting this constellation of students from the Universities of Mansoura, New Mansoura, International King Salman, and Canal High Institute of Engineering.

On the sidelines of the conference, several lectures and panel discussions will be organized with experts on the industry of petroleum, gas, green hydrogen, mining, artificial intelligence, and entrepreneurship in Egypt and the world.

Following the opening, the SU President inspected the research projects presented by the students and the discussion of some students in the posters they prepared. The SU President commended how much effort the students made in these serious research works reflecting students' interest in scientific research.

The conference included several engineering exhibitions.

- Petroleum Engineering: Students presented stereotyped innovations aimed at clarifying the various equipment and processes related to the field of petroleum engineering.

- Refining Engineering Exhibition: Students presented stereotyped innovations aimed at clarifying the various equipment and processes related to the field of refining engineering.

-The petrochemical exhibition: through which the students of the 4th year of Refining Engineering and Petrochemicals exhibited petrochemical products they prepared themselves at the labs.

- Metallurgical Engineering Exhibition: Students presented stereotyped innovations aimed at clarifying the various equipment and processes related to the field of metallurgical engineering.

- Innovation exhibition: through which participants showcased their innovations in the field of robotics and various innovations.