Suez University
SU Faculty of Petroleum Engineering wins third place in the ChemE Jeopardy competition
Wed. 08 May, 2024

A group of students of the SU Faculty of Petroleum Engineering and Mining won third place at the Middle East level in the ChemE Jeopardy competition. In this competition, students compete in the field of chemical engineering. Additionally, the competition took place among the conference events MEPEC 2024 (Middle East Process Engineering Conference). It was held at Al Dammam in Saudi Arabia.

On this occasion, Prof. Dr. Ashraf Hnijal, the SU President, congratulated the team of students of the Faculty of Petroleum Engineering and Mining. The SU President stressed that this achievement is a matter of pleasure for all the university's members and wishes his students constant progress and success in various forums.

Moreover, students’ participation has been made available because of the AIChE SU SC student activity of the AICHhE International Outstanding Award.

The students represented the university in the competition they are:

  • Osama Khaled Saad Al-Hawari is a 4th year student in the Refining Engineering Department.
  • Mahmoud Mohamed Aliwa is a fourth-year student in the Refining and Petrochemical Engineering Department.
  • Amr Mahmoud Al-Al-Assi is a fourth-year student in the Refining and Petrochemical Engineering Department.
  • Mostafa Mahdi Attiya is a 4th-year student in the Petroleum Engineering Department of the Faculty of Petroleum Engineering.