Suez University
Suez University is organizing a visit to the seawater desalination plant in Al-Jalalah
Wed. 08 May, 2024

Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Ashraf Sobhy, Minister of Youth and Sports, and Prof. Dr. Ashraf Hnijal, SU President, Suez University organized a field visit to the desalination plant in Jalalah, in cooperation with the University's People's Defense and Military Forces.

The visit began with welcoming participants. Students listened to a detailed explanation of the station's working mechanism for various stages of the desalination and water treatment process, carried out according to the latest advanced methods in that field. During the visit, students inspected the operating, monitoring, control systems, and several desalination and water treatment plant facilities.

Prof. Dr. Ashraf Hnijal, SU President, stated that the University's desire to organize such visits comes within the framework of the belief in the importance of informing the University's young students about the various giant development projects undertaken by the Egyptian State to promote all sectors in Egypt to properly communicate knowledge to the Egyptian youth, and not to leave young people's minds prey to false information and perceptions of the Egyptian state reality and the efforts.

The students expressed their pleasure at this visit, which provided an excellent opportunity to view one of the latest projects undertaken by the State at this station to contribute to maximizing the utilization of all available water resources.